Time to say Gday

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Time to say Gday

Post by Cryptic » Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:50 am

Finally got a pc working enough to log and say G'day and browse around.

Im new to writing poetry apart from 1 bit back in primary school many years ago not revisiting that one hehe.
I started writing in September last year just out of the blue one night while sitting at work and came up with a short peice and been doing and working on bits and pieces since.

Bit about me Im trapped in Brisbane and I tend to write on different things as they come to me in ideas so sometimes I write off the general bush poetry track.
I was born in Tamworth and spent a few years there as a child then moved to coast. Miss the place so get out there a few times a year. I love the old stories of Australia and the bush and reading as much history of it as I can. Love the odd stop at some of the old towns and just getting away to see and maybe get inspiration in places when I can.
I mostly share my writings amongst friends on facebook but will put up stuff here as I browse around and maybe get more involved in writing and get to know some people.

Enough Dribbling from me so will finish my intro here.


Re: Time to say Gday

Post by warooa » Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:57 am

Goodonya Cryptic, great to see a new face and look forward to reading some of your stuff or just hearing your input into the conversations here - we're a great bunch, you'll enjoy it :) ;)

Cheers, Marty (the young good-looking one from Far North Queensland, not the grumpy old one from Upper Lachlan :D )

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Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Bob Pacey » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:49 am

Cheers Mate you can take the man out of the country but ya can not take the country out of the man.

Welcome to the site enjoy.

There are a lot of members in the Brisbane area as well as groups where you can meet like minded people. Take the step and join ABPA and you will get a great deal of info and joy from the magazine.

Cheers Bob.
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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:47 am

G'day cryptic and welcome, always beaut to see a new face join us and join in as I see you have already done.

Always help here if you need it you only have to ask and all the faces are friendly and none of them bite :lol:


Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Robyn » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:15 pm

Welcome aboard Cryptic, (great pseudonym, my favourite kind of crossword!)
Look forward to reading your work.
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.


Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Heather » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:30 pm

Welcome aboard Cryptic. We all had to start at some stage and we are all still learning ... :)

Have fun.

Heather :)


Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Cryptic » Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:06 am

Cheers for the welcomes. And Martyboy there's nothing wrong with being a bit feral at times. That's our nickname in Tamworth during the festival each year is the feral mob hehe.

Robyn I took the name Cryptic on years ago as I had an old saying that "I am an Enigma wrapped in a puzzle" and im always said to be a mystery hehe.

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Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Zondrae » Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:54 am

G'day Cryptic,

Sound's like you will fit in very well. We don't all write about the bush, bushrangers, cattle, horses,and bblluuddy
sheep. You will see a wide variety of subject matter, styles and standards on this page. Check out both the Members Poetry and the Users Poetry. If you are not a member of the Australian Bush Poets Assn (why not) you can still post your poems on the site under the 'users' section.

Now do you want feedback on your writing or do you only wish us to say 'thanks for sharing'? Are you thinking of jumping in the deep end by entering a poetry competition or two? and what I feel is the most importent question of the lot, do you write rhyming poetry? I haven't looked as to whether you have posted any verse yet but later today I'll have time to have a proper look. Til then, WELCOME to the site and we look forward to hearing more from you.
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: Time to say Gday

Post by Cryptic » Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:45 am

Hi Zondrae

Thanks for the welcome

I write basically just Ryhme stuff that I share with friends on facebook and really only just as a past time hobby not really looking to jump into the comp scene as doubt im anywhere near ready for that.
Came here on advice of a friend in the scene to chat and have a read and a laugh so at moment just exploring but might join up to the assoc as I am an avid reader and love stuff on the bush or old Australian times.

I have put 5 poems up in the users section allready that stick to the relative topic just to show bit of what I write.
My off topic stuff is way off the bush area not quite what would suit here ones more of a dark gothic sort of poem that plays out as 2 different stories it can appear as a werewolf transforming or a man losing the plot so not the sort of content for here lol. There is a semi Australian one if I ever finish it about Backpackers on the run but gotten lazy there.

May learn a bit here and there and ask advice on tidying up some of the stuff I write just so I can pick up my grammar and writing skills as no harm in giving it a go.

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