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Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:57 am
by BadgerBob
As you might guess from the nickname, I've read Wind in the Willows at least 50 times, and label all my friends as rats or moles, toads or otters. Other than that, I'm a retired cattleman and agricultural journalist. I have worked (one way or another) in the cattle industry in the northern Australian outback, in Africa, Europe, the USA and in south-east Asia. Have visited a lot of other places too, but now for the past couple of decades, my travels (with wife Julie) have been tent camping around this wonderful country of ours. Last month, our most recent trip, took us around central and southern NSW on a month-long 4000 km journey. We have published an ebook on the Amazon Kindle platorm - Camping Guide Australia - which is a definitive guide to every aspect of practical camping.

I have been writing poetry most of my life but only recently became really acquainted with Australian Bush Poetry. I have, of course, always enjoyed the most famous Australian poems and rate Clancy of the Overflow as one of the world's finest. I am now reading bush poetry more widely and beginning to write it.

That's about it. I'm married, heap of children and grandchildren, like classical and country music, read a lot, think a lot, try to avoid working a lot and enjoy the quiet life.

Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:14 pm
by Kym
Hi Bob, Glad to see you finally made it onto the forum! You sound like you've had a very adventurous and interesting life. We'd love to see some of your poetry.

See ya',
(the Treasurer you've been emailing!)

Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:05 pm
by Bob Pacey
Welcome BOB From BOB

Don't pay any attention to what anyone else says Bob you just read my posts and it is all there.



Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:46 pm
by Heather
Welcome Badger. We'll have to call you Badger so we know you're not the "other" Bob. I don't know, it's getting really confusing around here, two Martys, two Maureens, two Bobs, two Kymbos - two of everything! (But I'm a "one-off" ;) )

Love to see your poetry and hope you will join in the discussions and the fun.

Heather :)

Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:55 pm
by mummsie
Welcome Badger and havn't you been a busy man, all that travelling, bet you have some interesting tales to tell. We look forward to hearing and sharing your stories. I, too am an avid camper. It's the best way to get out there and see this wonderful country of ours. Glad to have you on board.


Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:59 pm
by Zondrae
G'day BadgerB,

Welcome to the site. If you understand the term "as mad as a cut snake", then you will understand the mentality of some of us. However this does not stop us from turning out some half decent poetry. If you don't mind the occasional brick you will probably receive some virtual bouquets when you post a poem. If you are a member of the ABPA you can post your poems in the top 'members' section, if not then you can post in the 'users' section.

Wherever it is - I can assure you we are keen to see some of your poetry - most especially if it has rhyme and metre.
There many be several Martys and a couple of Bobs but there is only one Glenny, one Kym, one Maureen, one Heather and fact I don't think any of the 'girls' have duplicate names.

In general we are not a bad mob and I'm sure you will find your spot. Now where is that poem I'm trying to finish......

Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:51 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
G'day Badge

Lovely to have you on board and judging by your attributes you will fit right in....Make sure you write some cattle poems to balance up the dogs and horses and sheep which we have covered :lol: No one seems keen on cats don't know why that is. :?

Look forward to reading some of your work. Disregard Heather when she said two Maureens (she drinks) and listen to Zondrae who got it right. Get ready to enjoy some fun, put on your best broad shoulders, and when travelling around our wonderful country keep us informed. Hospitality will pop up where ever you go - you wait and see....Unless you are a cranky B :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: To the home of a friend or a fellow poet the way is never long



Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:35 pm
by Heather
I do NOT! :roll:

Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:48 pm
by william williams
Welcome Badger Bob.
How come the name of Badger I thought that was a Pommy name
Known a few bludgers in my time an blokes that bot you for a smoke unless your one of those fellas that keep on BADGERing you for a smoke or a swig of your beer. But by the sound of it your from that bloody good back country so hobble you horse mate, drag up a stump warm you’re a**** at the fire and grab a mug of brew and enjoy what ever tom foolery or bull dust in the name of poetry or yarn spinning that comes your way and by the way lets see what you’ve got

Bill the old Battler

Re: Hello from BadgerBob

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:58 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Heather I didn't say what you drink :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh Marty I do not - I just don't always tell the truth :? :roll: I didn't go missing either - Mad Fred's site lost me.....not the same thing at all.