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Publishing poetry

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:24 am
by grug06
Hi, I'm new to this forum and to the ABAP web-site. I'm only a spring chicken (26 years young) and I love learning from those that may have been there and done it already! I'm passionate about Australian bush poetry and love reading and writing. I am curious to know what is involved in publishing a poetry book. Not that a plan to write a book anytime in the near future but I do have a dream of one day compiling my work even if its only just for me. Does anyone have tips on computer programs for writing? If you’ve written a book or know someone who has or a good website for this kind of thing I’d love to hear from you. I hope this will generate some good discussion and any information would be appreciated.

Troy Lane

Re: Publishing poetry

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:11 am
by Zondrae
G'day Troy,

Firstly welcome to the site. We are generally a friendly, happy bunch coming from far and wide throughout Australia. Most of us write and perform our Australian Bush Poetry and love to share. The definition of ABP is poetry that is about Australia or the Australian way of life and has consistent Rhyme and Metre. Metre is almost the same as Rhythm. I'm sure you understand what I mean. However most of us also dabble in other forms of writing. The only time the strict rules are applied is in competition. If you become a member of the ABPA you will find out about the many, many competitions that are run throughout the country, and the year, in our fantastic Colour Magazine which comes our six times a year. It also has some poetry and lots of pictures. You will then be able to put a face on most of the members who are active on the site.

As far as the book is concerned I will send you a private message. We would love to read some of your poetry. If you are not an ABPA member you can post in the users section. We have shared some of our work and look forward to reading yours.