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G'day from West Oz

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:21 pm
by Henry Snicklesnorter
G’day Bush Poets. I’m Henry P. Snicklesnorter. The registration page wouldn’t accept my name in full, - too long it said, - so I left out the P. That really doesn’t matter, as it’s actually a silent P – as in bathwater.

I’m an old bloke from West Oz who was raised in the bush on a diet of Banjo and Henry et al. Most of that came from my Grandfather, who because he did not learn to read or write until he was in his thirties, found it necessary to memorise things and had it down to a fine art by the time I came along. He could quote every verse that Paterson and Lawson had written, provided that he had heard it before, which in his case was most of them.

I’ve been writing bush verse off and on for most of my life, some of it not much good and the rest of it much worse than that. Mostly written to amuse friends over the years, I’ve kept almost none of it.

It's great to find a site that is keeping this great old Aussie tradition alive. I'm looking forward to participating.

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:46 am
by Kym
Well hello Henry P Snicklesnorter (with a silent P) - welcome to our happy site! I like your last name very much, it sounds very regal, perhaps you have a touch of royalty in your ancestry? And as for your avatar ... goodness me, you sure are a handsome looking chappy. I reckon you'd give Hugh Jackman a run for his money!

Now that you've introduced yourself, how about you show us some of that poetry you've never kept? I'm sure we're in for a real treat ...


Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:59 am
by Kym
Oh, oh ... I just got it!!! Silent P as in bathwater :| ... but there's no P in bathwater . :o .... hahahaaaaa :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm just a bit slow. :?

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:00 am
by Bob Pacey
Beat me up this morning Kym, big weekend.

Gidday Henry and welcome to the site. mate you will find this a great bunch and if you want advice on not only poetry this lot will soon tell you where to go.

Oh to get the advice that is.

Cheers Bob

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:46 am
by Zondrae
G'day Henry,

Or perhaps I shall start calling you simple 'P'. I am known for my dislike of 'nick names' so perhaps not. I would rather call you by the name your mother gave you but this is a small matter as you obviously like to be mysterious.

Welcome to the site. You appreciate Australian rhyming poetry and this is all that matters on this site. Many of us write and perform our poetry and we would be keenly interested to see some of your writing, that is if you write. It is always stimulating to have a new member. Hope you have lots of fun here, read lots of great poetry and make many 'e-friends'.

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:55 am
by manfredvijars
Kymmie, there's ALWAYS "P" in bathwater ...

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:00 am
by Kym
Eewww ...

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:28 am
by manfredvijars
G'day "???" aka "HPS", and Welcome to our humble Forum.

As far as Forums go this one isn't that large, but it is diverse and friendly. Many of our members travel extensively around the Country and often "hook up" with others on this forum so you may notice a 'familiarity' here. We also tend to use our own names - even those with 'nics'. Just a dynamic that has evolved here. Please don't feel that this is a closed club, quite the contrary.

If you enjoy banter and bulls--t as well as honing your 'craft' you should feel at home here ...

Welcome ... :D


Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:49 pm
by Henry Snicklesnorter
Thanks one and all for the welcome.

I have noted the mention of a preference for using real names by Zondrae and Manfred and while I have no wish to be difficult, my sobriquet is one I have used for much of my life and would prefer to continue with. As an extremely private person by nature, I have no wish to see my name in print, nor would I seek to enter competitions or recite in public. I'm here just for the simple pleasure of reading other members work and to occasionally contribute some of my own rough verse.

Re: G'day from West Oz

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:53 pm
by Kym
OK with me Henry P. Can I call you that? Snicklesnorter is too long to type every time. We are all here for a good time, so welcome.