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Frank Daniel

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:19 am
by Frank Daniel
Through his long association with Bush Poetry, Frank Daniel has proven himself as a versatile and popular entertainer. Although he has a string of awards, he is best known for his unwavering support of Bush Poetry and particularly Bush Poets. With his strong involvement in the Australian Bush Poets Association and hectic schedule of performances, Frank is probably the best promoter of Bush Poetry in the country and is highly deserving of the Judith Hosier Award which he won in 2008.
Frank Daniel has been involved in Bush Poetry for over 20 years. He is known and remembered by virtually everyone who has ever performed bush poetry at a festival or competition. Since being “discovered” by Jim Haynes and Col Wilson, Frank has toured the country performing his own and others bush poetry to adoring crowds.
Much in demand as a compere at festivals and competitions, Frank travels all over the country warning people that: “Only half the lies I tell are the truth!”. His affable, humorous and down-to-earth style makes him immediately likeable and memorable.
His skill as a poet, entertainer and yarn spinner has seen Frank win a number of prestigious awards including:
• Performer of the year Bush Laureates 1998,
• Induction into Tamworth Bush Poets Wall of Renown,
• Numerous Yarn spinning titles,
• Australia Day Ambassador in Canberra 2004,
• Australia Day Citizen of the Year in Canowindra 2004
and many others.
As a long-time member of the Australian Bush Poets Association, Frank has gone beyond the call of duty in his continued support of the organisation and its members. Serving 7 years as President, 5 years as Vice President, 10 years as Editor he has given of his time and expertise for the benefit of hundreds of members. For his efforts he has been awarded life membership of the Association, an accolade bestowed on only a handful of people.
Frank's most endearing and important quality in respect of this award, is his continued willingness to offer help, encouragement and promotion to other poets, old and new. He is always willing to assist novice poets or performers through his knowledge and experience and by providing them with opportunities to practice their skills. More established performers too, often owe a debt of gratitude to Frank for his promotion and efforts in gaining opportunities for them to perform and become more well-known.
If people have questions about old poems, historical or biographical details, Frank Daniel is the go-to man. The wealth of information that he can recall or gain access to means Frank is an important resource for the poets of Australia. This selfless service of fellow poets has made Frank one of the most outstanding and respected poets in the country.
It is easy to see that Frank loves Australia and the important and rich heritage of Bush Poetry. At every opportunity, he is spouting its virtues and acting as a proud ambassador for the art. The contribution he has made and continues to make is one of the major contributing factors to the popularisation of Bush Poetry in recent times.
The popularity, generosity, selflessness, reputation and appeal of Frank Daniel over such a long period make him truly deserving of honours bestowed on him by the ABPA.

by Greg North.

Re: Frank Daniel

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:17 am
by Zondrae
Goodonya Greg,

Frank's modesty would prevent him from listing even half of his accolades. We are privileged to have him as editor of our magazine.

Re: Frank Daniel

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:01 am
by thestoryteller
It would be far from being immodest for Frank to post any or all of his contributions to Australian Bush Poetry as it has been a part of the journey of his life. Frank has contributed much of himself to promoting bush verse and assisting other bush poets throughout the years and there would be few who haven't appreciated those efforts.

There are many who enjoy the limelight of the stage but when it comes to the hard yards of behind the stage work the numbers thin.

Achievements are the life stories of a lot of dedication for many artists to their craft and I'm sure all of us would appreciate sharing Frank's with him or in fact anyone who has contributed in such a way to promoting bush poetry.

For those of us who have been a part of the modern bush poetry journey we have seen a lot of changes and acceptance of our art form among the public and Frank can proudly raise his hand and say, "I was glad to be a part of it."

Goodonya Frank and may you contine to enjoy the years ahead.

The Storyteller.

Re: Frank Daniel

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:39 am
by Frank Daniel
Thank you Zondrae and Merv,
Nice to hear from you, Manfred's plans for the new website are going ahead, we should have it all up and going in the next few weeks.
I'll send you a new membership form Merv, we'd like to regather some of our old members.
Hope to catch up with you in Tamworth. I'll be there for the duration.


Re: Frank Daniel

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:16 pm
by Jasper Brush
G'day all.

Frank and Col are the modern day writers.

It is a pity that Col Wilson doesn't spend some time with us.

I still have Col's autographed poster: when I read my poetry at the Berry Courthouse in 2003.

'To John Macleod, best regards. Blue. 21. 3 . 2003 '

The poster, is to my left, besides my computer. I can view it while writing this post.

Frank and Col have a natural talent. \\

The spirit of Australia.

It makes me proud to be an Australian.
