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Lost and Found

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:45 pm
by Bellobazza
Ahoy, ship-mates! :P

I was wand'rin, lost an' lonely,
driftin' on a virchool sea...
searchin' for the port of ABPA,
harbour of Bush Poetry.

It went missin' from my radar.
I sent out an SOS.
My distress flares went unnoticed
by poet and by poetess.

Then, by luck I found a link-line
as I googled o'er the sea.
Found again the ABPA forum.
Such a happy chappy, me!

As the saying goes: "Ya don't know what you've missed until it's gone".
Er, no that's not right. "Ya don't miss what you've got until it's gone".
Hmm...don't think that's quite right either. Why would you miss something if it isn't gone?
Anyhoo, I've missed you mob and my regular fix of rustic rumination in rhymin' rhythm.
Starting from scratch again so...

Bellobazza me (aka Will Moody).
Lover of words for ever and would-be bush poet for the last couple of years.
Semi-retired sparkie dwelling midst the bucolic beauty of the Bellinger Valley which wends it's wistful way from the misty Dorrigo Plateau through ever verdant pastures hugging the verges of the placid Bellinger River and its tributary, the Never Never Creek flowing out of the Promised Land (I kid you not), to it's eastern terminus on the golden sands of the Pacific Mid North Coast of NSW. ( I need a "gloat, gloat" smilie at this point...drat!)
1 loving and stoic wife Mary, 3 daughters, 3 sons-in-law, 5 granddaughters, 2 grandsons, 1 dog, umpteen frogs, a billion birds...double drat! I rooly, rooly need that "gloat, gloat" smilie!

Great to be back among the " poin' circle" again.
Cheers, Will.

Re: Lost and Found

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:51 pm
by Heather
Aah we did miss ya Will. You have been suffering from withdrawal haven't you?

Re: Lost and Found

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:13 am
by manfredvijars
Many happy 'returns' Will ... :D