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Henry Lawson's will

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:59 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
I recently stumbled on a copy of Henry Lawson's will, written in Sydney, 3rd September, 1905. (He died in 1922.)

To prevent misconceptions I write to say that Mr. Archibald (of the Bulletin), Mr George Robertson (of Angus Robertson) and my landlady, Mrs Isobel Byers, of 20 William Street, off Blues Pt Rd, were my best friends.

Lothian, the Melbourne publisher, has the material for a book of mine. There are many printers errors in the copy - especially in the verse - but they are so obvious that any writer with a talent for rhyming could rectify them.

I wish Mrs Byers to have all my papers and effects to keep and do what she likes with.

There is nothing the matter with me physically or mentally - except financial worries.

Lay out the body decently before my friends see it, for the soul was great.

Remember me to my bush people.

Henry Lawson

Witness Fred Shenstone

Re: Henry Lawson's will

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:43 pm
by keats
He probably sold that as well before he died. ;)