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From Me

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:32 am
by Zondrae
G'day everyone.

To all my poet friends, whether I have met you (in the flesh) or not;
We share our hopes and our writing on this page and I feel I know you all personally.
To each and ever one, I wish nothing but the best in the way of good luck and the Lord's Blessings for a wonderful Christmas season and may we all have loads of inspiration in the New Year.

(I could have made it rhyme, but I'm taking the day off.)

Re: From Me

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:50 am
by Stephen Whiteside
Thank you, Zondrae.

Yes, I'm taking a day off, too.

Not being of the faith, I won't wish you the Lord's Blessings, but I will wish you and your family a very happy Christmas, and a wonderful year in 2014. Hopefully we will catch up again at the National at Easter.

Best wishes.

Re: From Me

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 6:38 pm
by Neville Briggs
Goodonya Zondrae. All the best to you as well. Hope you had a good day.

Good to see you doing a bit of free verse. :) Pehaps the third line could be a bit shorter to balance up. :lol:

Re: From Me

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:21 am
by Zondrae
G'day Neville and Stephen,

Firstly Neville, Thanks for the tips on 'free verse'. If it is so free, how come it has to be balanced?

and then, Stephen, I did not make the performers list for the National this year. They 'rest' you after a few years. But we have our Early Bird tickets already and would not miss it for the world. One good thing about not 'working' is that I will get to go and see more of the rest of the festival. I believe my favourite festival singer/song writer, Enda Kenny, will be performing in 2014. (with a new CD) I am looking forward to catching most of his spots.

Re: From Me

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:06 am
by Neville Briggs
G'day Zondrae. Because no verse ( or art ) is really free, contrary to what some people think that they can do.
" It is all a game of construction - some with a brush, some with a shovel, some choose a pen" .......Jackson Pollock.
See :) even Jackson Pollock with his drip painting and Blue Poles, knew the truth.

A friend of mine gave me some info on the National Folk festival, I am contemplating whether to go.

Re: From Me

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:39 am
by Robyn
All the best to you and yours, Zondrae, for the festive season and beyond. Hope to see you in2014. Perhaps at the NFF...

Re: From Me

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:32 am
by Zondrae
morning Bill,

If you get in early, and with concession, the tickets are really not that expensive, if you consider what you get for your money. We have been going to the National for about 12 years. I love it. I have met many of the ABPA members from all over Australia that I would never have the chance to run into otherwise. eg all the Victorians.

While I am not 'on the programme' in 2014 there are still lots of opportunities to 'get up' and perform. The advantage of not being 'working' is that I can go and watch something else when some of the many many poetry gigs are on if I want to. I think my festival favourite singer will be there. It will be nice not to be obliged to 'work' or support, all day for a change. Sometimes, if I have workshops as well as the usual Poets Breakfasts, Poets in the park, Evening Poets, the Slam vs Bush and a concert or two, I don't get much time for anything else. Having said this, I probably will be at all the poetry anyway.