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A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:28 am
by David Campbell
Given some of the recent tongue-in-cheek comments about the roles of men and women in society, this article from today's Age might raise a few eyebrows: ... 2zh59.html


Re: A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:32 pm
by manfredvijars
I had the bewildering misfortune to attend a year seven graduation last week.
Bewildering? Well, there were one set of 'awards' handed out and all seventeen on them went to the girls.
OK, so what? The awards were for "Academic Excellence" - IN BEHAVIOR?
Really, Academic Excellence - in Behavior!
None of the 'awards' presented had anything to do with academic achievement ie, Math English & Science.

Oh there were sports awards, the boys got a few of those.
And music awards, the girls scooped the pool again.

The irony is that my friend's year seven son topped the school (and the region) in the NAPLAN for his year. He also plays Violin, mandolin, guitar and saxophone.
The apparent reason for not qualifying for any 'achievement' awards were, behavioral 'issues'.

The real tragedy is that when I commented to the lad, quick as a flash his response was, "Oh yes, girls are so much better than boys!"
I heard this same mantra bleated out by his fellow classmates.

Re: A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:55 pm
by Vic Jefferies
It is the power of the "Sisterhood." Don't ever run foul of them Manfred. You will be a marked man for life if you do!

Re: A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:50 pm
by Heather
I find that very sad Manfred. Times must have changed a lot at school. I know all my awards (books that are gathering dust on my bookshelf) were for academic achievements - I'd never have been awarded the good behaviour ones! ;)

It's amazing how a little reward can go a long way to encouraging a child. My son is incredibly intelligent but played up at school and never did any good there - he simply didn't fit the school system - as I suspect your friend's son doesn't. At one point we moved him to another primary school where his computer abilities were recognised and he was appointed "computer monitor", put in charge of the computers and given a badge to that effect - a great boost to his self esteem. That same little primary school (usually less than 100 students) would also give awards for "most improved" in different areas.

Don't blame the girls in this case - surely it is a problem with the school.

Re: A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:12 pm
by Bob Pacey
And they wonder why he has issues, Win the war loose the child ?

Never been much of a believer in awards just for being there sport of otherwise.


Re: A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:56 pm
by manfredvijars
Women don't scare me Vic, I love them all and celebrate their differences ... :D

Not blaming the girls at all Heather, and you're right on the mark! ... :)

That's right Bob, and the boys are merely collateral damage ...

That is a great article David, I apologise once again for the hijack.

Invalidating a complete gender and activly making decisions to deem that gender 'irrelevant' seems something akin to the race issues of the Fifties and Sixties.
What's disturbing is that discrimination has to be taught. And unfortunately David, your article may not be that far fetched, going on some shared experiences in one local Primary School this last year.

In my post above I mentioned the school's awards night.
This event didn't escape the attention of other parents either. Sadder still, other boys echoed the same phrase to me that night, "Oh, girls are so much better than boys!"

There were 58 boys suspended from that school last TERM for behavioral and attitude reasons.
Of the 58 families affected by the suspensions, 32 of the boys ALL rated highly in the NAPLAN results for year Seven, scoring - 7s, 8s and 9s. (non of whom received any 'academic' awards). AND, there were more boys in the 7-8-9s than girls (I got those stats from the principle)
The total school enrollment is 373, made up of 172 girls and 201 boys, 58 boys suspended (do the math)
No, this school is not in a lower socio-economic area ..

Speaking on behalf of the lad, he gets bored easily. He finishes his school work then completes his homework in class. He has been suspended from class twice this last year for 'attitude' (three strikes and you're out rule). Both times he was sent home without any school work to keep up. I had to intervene both times to get his workbooks so he could be tutored for the week/s. My concern was that he may be left behind - He breezed through all the work.

Long story short, 32 families have run the complaint gauntlet - Discussed their complaints with the class teacher, the principal and then the district office -all to no avail.
Recently, 32 letters have been forwarded to the Director-General Education -also to no avail.
Finally, after last week, the Office of the Ombudsman has been contacted.

The main complaints against the school's administration - selectively impeding education to primary classes, gender bias in the classroom and failure to inform and involve parents on behavioral issues. - I'll keep you posted.

I can't help but wonder how all the other schools are faring with their 'Boy' problem ....

Re: A world without men?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:09 pm
by Heather
Time to find a new school. Sounds like the "bad" behaviour is a result of the school not in spite of it.

EVERY child is special in some way and has something they are good at. They should be praised and encouraged for whatever that is.

Re: A world without men?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:42 am
by warooa
Great article David.

Had to laugh at her looking for that potential "Mr Not-to-bad" :D

It is true that the in-built primordial Caveman tendencies of man are becoming seen as increasingly unacceptable in modern society. Not clubbing women over the head so to speak, but sometimes women may just have to get over the fact we may communicate our emotions to them at times in a mono-syllabic grunt. All the primitive tendencies that are still inherent within us seem to be poo-poohed by a part of society that has apparently evolved. An aggressive, testosterone-fuelled urge needs an outlet whether it be body contact sports, hunting, fishing, bush-bashing etc. . . all of which are seen as uncivilised in some quarters.

Men (and women) besides all the social and technological advances are still animals - but then it wouldn't be the first time evolution and a rapidly changing world led to extinction :|


Re: A world without men?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:13 am
by Bob Pacey
If she's right, men are destined for a future as little more than mere accessories. Decorative bling, harvested for sperm.

Yeah sure Ted !

And don't get me started on artificial insemination.


Re: A world without men?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:33 am
by Heather
You sillies. You men are all here purey for the amusement of women - didn't you know that? It would be pretty boring if we were here alone! :)

It would appear that America is returning to a lifestyle enjoyed by the many native societies where the women do all the work while the men sit around and smoke and talk all day.