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I Wonder

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:47 am
by Bob Pacey
I attended a funeral yesterday for a young father of 7 kids a very sad occasion.

I did note that in the service there were no less than five poems read out to express how people felt .

I wonder why people turn to poetry to express such feelings ?

This one was by his niece who is thirteen.

The stars in the night sky shine with your love
We can still see your face as they twinkle above.
Close to our hearts you will always stay
we will never forget you for one single day.

Maddi’s missing her Dad and the boys will as well
Feel their hugs and their kisses as a final farewell.
Your smile lit up the lives of all those that you knew
Deanna always will cherish sweet memories of you.

We remember the good times and treat them like gold
they will stay in our hearts to cherish and hold.
You will be with us forever and in our thoughts will remain
we will always hold you so close until we meet again

Re: I Wonder

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:27 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Oh that's so sad Bob. Bless the young poet.