Shopping Trolleys and Homelessness

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Shopping Trolleys and Homelessness

Post by manfredvijars » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:07 pm

Shopping Trolleys and Homelessness

It all starts with all those abandoned wire coat hangers in the corner of wardrobes. Little do people realise that on the Spring Equinox every year, they escape and make their way to a Sacred place high on the Great Dividing Range and have a massive orgy, too disgusting to describe here. During this Festival they spawn massive amounts of Shopping Trolleys who make their way down the water courses of the Great dividing Range and blend in at local shopping centres.

During their lifetime, shopping Trolleys carry assortments of groceries (amongst other things). The most detrimental item is the humble "tinned salmon". It contains a viral contagion that only affects the Shopping Trolley. This virus is spread by direct contact with the Trolley. Once infected, the trolley also becomes viral and in turn infects some humans - but only the most brilliant minds get affected. Those infected are mostly the great artists, musicians and poets. Particularly those brilliant minds with the answers to the riddle of the Universe and mankind's petty problems.

These people become 'one' with the trolley because they share a bond in their rejection (remember, the shopping Trolleys started off as abandoned coat hangers). The Trolleys and humans have a bitter-sweet relationship. The human, now at 'one' with the Shopping Trolley, rejects his own society and becomes sole companion to the trolley.

When the human dies, the trolley (still infected by the can of salmon) goes looking for a water course to swim up so it can go home to spawn. Sadly, many don't make it, that's why you see so many shopping Trolleys abandoned in ditches.

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Re: Shopping Trollies and Homelessness

Post by r.magnay » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:40 pm

Well I'll be Manfred, I didn't realise there are so many brilliant minds in Alice Springs....sadly all those infected trollies, well at least most of them, perish in a dry river bed, never to make it upstream to mate and reproduce. Fortunately for the less talented shoppers there is a great number of illegal....I mean asylum seeker trollies that are accepted and granted citizenship...sadly they end up in the river too... 8-)

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Shopping Trollies and Homelessness

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:11 pm

Mannie - there's a few errors in your note -you might be infected. Please seek help immediatedly, emmeedeeatlym, now


Concerned Spell Chick

ps The council just cleaned out Bundamba creek and they found some there - we may be facing an epeeedemic :o
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