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Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:43 am
by Maureen K Clifford
This is what your donation from that cup of coffee you gave up, or that lose change in your pocket , can stop. No farmer should have to be burying stock that's died because of starvation - Please help them if you can. Organize a morning tea at work with a gold coin donation or a raffle or if you are in the corporate sector see if your company has a fund that supports local charities and ask if they will help. Can your Lions, Rotary or Lodge get behind them and help. Australians are always willing to help I have found if pointed in the right direction and right now that direction is out west and in the bush.

Decreased stock ultimately means dearer meat prices for the consumer and these guys want to put the good quality Aussie beef and lamb on your table-----they sure as hell don't want to be doing this.
A sad but all to familiar image now for Qld farmers. Your continuing support of Buy A Bale and Aussie Helpers will help many farmers, thank you

Every dollar helps and I know that all charities are stretched for resources now but in real terms as it equates to you and me just for one week give up your magazines, or a few beers, those coffees we all enjoy when we are out and about, that bottle of fancy wine or even dinner out on Saturday night. We won't really notice the loss but these guys out west are putting things like toothpaste on the Luxury List they are sharing bathwater of probably less than a couple of inches in the bathtub and then recycling it onto the lemon trees, they are putting off going to the Doctors, buying medications, getting haircuts, doing without sugar in their tea and working round the clock and then some trying to save their breeding stock - carting water, chopping trees down for stock feed. They are buggered, exhausted, beaten and have nowhere to go and probably think that the rest of Australia has forgotten them.

We can make a difference, we can help and we can show that we care - please do.

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