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Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:53 pm
by Bob Pacey

Paradigm - the unwritten rules in which we literally govern our lives with. When these rules are broken or violated we become uncomfortable. It is the need of every human being on earth to have direction and order. Without direction and order we find ourselves lost, confused, and even helpless. Paradigms are found virtually everywhere and on many different levels. However, the role of paradigm in science holds a very important position. Paradigm in science simply governs the ways in which you are expected to look at your data. Thus, you could say that paradigm acts as a problem solver. Throughout history many scientists have continually found themselves forced to challenge the paradigms of their studies. Their ideas may be entirely and undoubtably correct, but paradigm shoots it down immediately. Why does this happen? It's actually quite easy to understand.

People don't like change.

Simple really.
