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A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:53 pm
by Glenny Palmer
On the telly I saw a devastated lady, shivering beside a waterway in Bundaberg, where her houseboat home was only just staying afloat, & without urgent intervention was destined to disappear. (But the Army was on 'stand-by'. :roll: ) Her family had lost everything in their homes & the evacuation centre was full up. So she slept in the carpark, in the storm, the night before. She then held up a take-away coffee that some mongrel lowlife had charged her ELEVEN DOLLARS for! That 'business person' wants tracking down & hauling up for profiteering, quick smart! :evil:

I'm going to put this on Facebook...and ask for as many 'shares' as possible, and I'm going to ask the ABC why their interviewing journalist did not appear to be remotely moved by this obscenity, or indeed to report it?


Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:29 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
I saw that as well Glenny - everything she owned was on that houseboat and she was about to lose the lot. Whoever that scumbag was lets hope that Karma finds him - my God you would give the poor love the coffee and a hot brekkie as well wouldn't you.

But then you have that other bloke at Gympie who runs the hardware store trying to save all the stuff that people might need for the big cleanup and not worrying about the other things and saying on air he would just give it to them to help them out. Blessings on that man

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:43 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Yeah Maureen...thumbs up for him..Bless him. Seems that humankind is made up of two differing sets of morality genes? Actually, I saw somewhere that the Zulus reckon 'The Lizard People' swooped down from the sky & interbred with Humans...hence those with 'The Reptilian Brain' now share our world. :? Apparently the power moguls all have that brain...??? (mmm. I wouldn't have thought the Zulus the dreamy sort...& they are a very old tribe...who knows?) I think there is literature pertaining to 'The Reptilian Mind.' Anyway...I gotta wash the dishes now........

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:47 pm
by Neville Briggs
Where the body is, there the vultures will gather. :cry:

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:05 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Just to approach the subject from a slightly different tangent, Glenny, we all have reptilian minds. The human hindbrain is very similar anatomically to the reptilian brain, it's just that we've built midbrains and forebrains on top of it.

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:22 pm
by Bob Pacey
I also saw a doco where they have found that Koala fingerprints are almost identical to human fingerprints ?

So maybe it is the koalas that are doing all the house break ins ?


Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:53 pm
by Glenny Palmer
....I shoulda knowed :roll: What about that $11 cup of coffee??

Hey Stephen tell me more...I'm right into 'mind' stuff. :geek:

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:18 pm
by Neville Briggs
Regardless of anatomy or cellular construction, no reptile has ever used its brain to work out what is morally right or wrong. Glenny is incensed at the injustice of apparent profiteering because she is a human, totally different in kind.
If we are only modified reptiles then there is no need to be concerned about whether our fellow humans sink or swim. But we are not, so we care.

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:49 pm
by Glenny Palmer
You're onto it Neville....that's wot the Zulus say...the power moguls are 'modified reptiles.'...not to mention the modified mongrel who tea leafed $11 offa that poor woman!
xx ;)

Re: A BIG thumbs down!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:05 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
In a general sense, we are modified reptiles, but we are also modified amoebae, if it comes down to that.

As our precursors have evolved, there has been no way to shed the original brain, so they have had to simply develop new layers of brain over the top. What I find particularly fascinating is embryology, because the foetus relives human evolution as it grows. The very early foetus looks quite reptilian.

You can find some good brain pictures here: ... B300%3B269

...and here are some good foetal pictures: ... B320%3B240