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To Care or not to Care?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:54 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
We don't care about the poor, unless they die by misadventure.
We care about victims, until they become perpetrators.
We don't care about the deaths of refugees, unless they die seeking protection from within our shores.

We're a funny lot, aren't we?

Re: To Care or not to Care?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:18 pm
by Robyn
You're right Stephen. And the deaths of the poor in Caribbean countries hit by Hurricane Sandy rates a passing mention on our news, (at least 69 dead in six countries, especially Haiti) while the same storm in the USA rates wall-to-wall coverage.
It seems we are more interested in what happens to people who are similar to ourselves - and most of those who 'consume' the news in Australia are not poor, victims or refugees.