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re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:47 pm
by Zondrae
can someone tell me a bit about Charlee Marshall please.

eg where and when was he born? how, where and when did he depart this life? what did he do for a crust etc.? I really like his serious work and would like to know more about him.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:31 pm
by Kym
Hi Zondrae,

I have been talking to Charlee's daughter and there are only about 12 of each of his books left in existance. If anyone would like one or more, please contact me and I'll send you more info.

See ya,


Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:02 pm
by Dave Smith
Is that kym? G'day cobber We've been missing ya.

TTFN 8-)

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:07 pm
by Kym
Hiya Dave, yup, I think it's me ... sometimes I'm so busy doing three people's jobs, I don't know which one is me. I'm just dizzy with busy lately! Only drop in here occasionally for a few minutes, then it's back to work, work, work ...

See ya,


Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:13 pm
by Zondrae
Oh yes please.

Where do I send the cheque? pm me with the details please. Is his daughter the person I should ask permission to 'do' one of his poems? Thanks for this Kym.

Hey, G'day How are you? Hope you are well. Are you keeping Bob in line? Do you know the date of the Village festival at Yeppoon this year. The web page gives the main acts but no dates. We are probably coming north again this year but no solid plans as yet. We have a little 'A-van' now and have had a test (2 festivals) drive with it. All seems good. Better than the camper.
Is there any of this new flu about up your way? There is talk on the TV about a bad strain of flu this winter. Two of the instructors at the gym I have just joined have been off with it. I'm pretty lucky generally, I can't remember when I got the flu last. (shouldn't say that should I)
Might see you soon. Thanks for the information about Charlee Marshall. I will be stuck to the book til I have read every single word.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:15 am
by Kym
Hi Zondrae,

Haven't heard about any dreaded lurgies up this way yet, but we are about to have our local ag show, so there's always a new batch of carni-flu after that. I think it's everywhere though, people move about so much these days.

I'm still discussing book sales with Charlee's daughters, how she wants to go about it, prices, etc, so I'll let everyone know as soon as I know more about titles and prices etc.

See ya,


Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:40 am
by Brenda Joy
Please count me in on the info. re Charlee's books Kym and thank you for pursing this for us.
PS What are these three jobs?

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:25 am
by Frank Daniel
Charlee Marshall was a good friend of mine. I met him in 1993 the Longyard in Tamworth along with Murray Hartin, Marco, John Philipson, Bobby Miller, Ron Selby, Trisha Anderson, Judith Hosier, Marie Pfizer, Marion Fitzgerald, Duncan Williams and the great Gertrude Skinner.
I still get the odd Christmas Card from his wife Beryl who lives in Earlvale Q.
Charles William Marshall was born in the days of the great depression, in 1932. He was educated at Upper Ulam, south of Rockhampton, Queensland, and later by correspondence and then the State High School.
Charlee, the name he went by, trained as a teacher and taught at various schools around Central Queensland and the Callide Valley. His last school was Yaparaba, near Biloela in the Banana Shire where he taught until 1963 when scholarships were removed from the primary schools system. He resigned as he felt there was nothing left to work towards.
Charlee and his wife Beryl then bought a small farm with a shed which they used as a house, and with their young daughter and a new baby girl they started into farm life.
Charlee worked several jobs in Biloela as they built up the farm while in the mean time the family increased with a son and another daughter.
During this time one of the schools at which he taught was closed down so he bought the building, moved it to the farm, and turned it into a decent home for his family.
About the same time he purchased another farm a few miles distant.
Once a farmer and always a dreamer Charlee settled in to raising Shetland ponies, Charolais cattle and his four children as well as flooding the nation with his hilariously funny short stories. His cricketing exploits were well known in country areas; he was a fast bowler and his record for the most Bowling Aggregate wins in Brisbane’s Country Week still stand.
For many years as the children got older he started writing and performing bush poetry.
Since his first novel ‘I Couldn’t Bowl for Laughin’, published in 1988 he became well-known as a performance poet at Folk Festivals around Australia, was a life member of Network magazine, and was a successful entrant in many literary contests. He was renowned for his wins in story and verse competitions, and his recitations on stage at festivals, including the National Folk Festival at Karunda and Adelaide.
His second book ‘Bowlin’ Laughin’ and Dreamin’ (1991) contained much of his poetry work to that stage and was quickly forced into reprint.
Health problems persuaded him to publish his third volume ‘One Last Shot’ (1993) as a tribute to the cares and tributes of his many artistic friends.
In 1990 Charlee began a five year battle with cancer. He was admired for his exceptional skill in writing and performing bush poetry, and his courage in refusing to let the big ‘C’ dominate his life. Charlee was inducted into the Wall of Fame at the Fireside Festival in Tamworth in 1993 and a further appreciation of his work was afforded in a Testimonial at the Maleny Folk Festival in 1994.

Charlee made a number of appearances at the Longyard Hotel in Tamworth during Country Music Week and the Fireside Festival in June.
Besting him in competition was a rare and much treasured event. Sharing the same stage at various folk festivals, poetry recitals and competition finals was even more so.
Charlee captained the Queensland side in the uproariously funny State of Origin matches held at the Longyard where his team defied the ‘Blues’ to overflowing houses.

In his final year Charlee released a cassette of his poems ‘Charlee After All’ and with Beryl did a ‘goodbye’ trip to NSW so he could say goodbye to all his bush poet mates. He spent the last six months of his life in Rockhampton Hospital
Charlee passed away on 1st September 1995. His poetry touched and enriched many lives, all of whom still mourn his passing. He was a great poet and a great mate of many, many people

Charlee lived at Poets Corner, Thangool Q 4716 with his dear wife and best friend Beryl.

The Banana Shire Council sponsors an annual competition which is co-ordinated by staff at the Banana Shire Library to the memory of Charlee Marshall, The Golden Cockatoo Awards and the Silver Budgie Award for juniors.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:33 am
by Heather
You're always a mine of information Frank. It's interesting and important to record the and background history of our poets.

Heather :)

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:27 am
by Frank Daniel
Thank you Heather,
I would like all poets to write a profile or bio on themselves and send it to me. I can then file and record the details as i have done since forever so that the info will be readily available in an instance such as this one about Charlee. Unfortunaltey there is hardly a picture of Charlee Marshall worthy of not.
Up to date photographs would be appreceiated too.
I'm just home from six weeks hospital and am going into respite for a couple of months. I hope I can take my computer with me.
Best wishes to all.