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Food from he Bush.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:01 pm
by Rimeriter
This item by Elizabeth Brennan certainly resonated with me.
I easily recall the expression - Man of the land.
Elizabeth, as well as many others of whom I am not aware,
deserve an expression - Ladies of the land.

Food for thought – thought for food!
By Elizabeth Brennan
Wednesday, 23 May  2012

There is a peace and connection that you can’t find anywhere else except in the middle of a paddock.
(Marvellous, almost poetic)

Standing there surrounded by burgeoning heads of wheat, you can’t help but wonder what plate that tiny grain of nourishment will end up on.
Knowing that what you get out of bed for in the morning could one day end up in the toaster across the other side of the country or in a noodle bowl across the other side of the world, is quite a profound ‘food for thought’.

Producing food is a humbling profession when you think about the impact you have on people’s lives. The circles you seed and harvest across the agricultural landscape yields much further than the horizon you look to, and your grassroots connections extend beyond the soil profile you stand upon.

What say you, Maureen ?

Re: Food from he Bush.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:47 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
G'day Jim

This resonated so much
There is a peace and connection that you can’t find anywhere else except in the middle of a paddock.
Totally relate to it - that captured moment of perfect peace and oneness when the rest of the world fades into obscurity and you realize that every grain is a masterpiece in itself, every blade of grass is sharp and crisp and every bird call sounds like a carillon. Everything even the silence is magically magnified and it is all there free for the asking. Inspiration in itself. That's when the words of Adam Brands 'Blue Sky Cathedral 'come into my head

Re: Food from he Bush.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:07 pm
by Rimeriter
Yes, marvellous aint it.

My first experience was the first time I sat on that rocky outcrop, just out of the 'Hill and gazed upon the Mundi Mundi Plains.
