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Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:45 am
by Kym
These are two of my ponies, Zali and Zena. They just love hooning around town ...

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:01 pm
by manfredvijars
Driving them????? .... THERE'S NO STEERING WHEELS YA CRACKA!!!! ... :lol:

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:49 pm
by Neville Briggs
Kym wrote:They just love hooning around town
Really !! :o you mean doing donuts, burning rubber, screaming decibels from the exhaust :lol: :lol:

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 3:00 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
:o :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: colour me - they are beautiful

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:04 pm
by Kym
The Eden Belle Greys
by Kym Eitel

Metal hoofbeats resound as they surge up the hill -
two grey mares with a sulky in tow.
Zena struts like a model, she knows she has class.
Zali’s bursting with get-up-and-go.

Zena’s hooves pound like clockwork, she’s steady and strong,
Zali’s prancing her playful ballets.
People can’t help but stare as the horses pass by,
at those beautiful Eden Belle Greys.

As they throw pretty heads, tossing massive, dark manes,
coal-black eyes look through forelocks so thick,
and their silver coats glisten, they’re dappled with grey -
in excitement, their tails swish and flick.

As they trot down the street, on their way to the Show,
Zena’s working, while Zali still plays.
A picture of beauty, the pair glide along -
traffic stops for the Eden Belle Greys.

Zena’s eyes hold a mystery she never will tell.
Her dam, Misty, was secretive too.
Through long curly lashes, she studies the world,
she’s the serious one of the two.

As they turn in the gate to the Showgrounds at last,
people stop and they point and they gaze.
Just like parting the water by Moses himself,
the crowd parts for the Eden Belle Greys.

Zali’s mischief on legs and makes everyone laugh,
cheeky attitude, never a care.
Her mother was Zoe, snow white with brown fleck,
quite a stunningly beautiful mare.

Zali loves the attention as children mill round.
In excitement, she stamps and she neighs.
Like the mice and rats followed that Pied Piper gent,
children follow the Eden Belle Greys.

The beautiful horses stand gentle and calm,
little hands touch each velvety nose.
Children pat their round rumps and their strong, solid necks -
in their manes, they tie ribbons and bows.

With a flick of the rein then, the breastplates strain tight.
Zali settles, she tucks and obeys.
Side by side, step for step, the two mares start to work.
In the ring, trot the Eden Belle Greys.

The mares are in Show-mode, they bob pretty heads,
for they know that they’re out on parade.
In absolute unison, hoofbeats pound strong,
as they prance out a gay promenade.

Their manes float like silk as they power along,
and the judge is just glowing with praise.
They won the crowds’ hearts, and they won the blue sash.
They’re the Champions - the Eden Belle Greys.

Now I’ll tell you a secret, but please don’t tell them,
for Zali and Zena don’t know -
they think they’re so splendid, so mighty and strong,
but their trotting is more - “tippy-toe”.

They have hearts big as houses, big attitudes too,
but the funniest, shrill, squeaky whinnies.
They are Shetlands so tiny, but ever so cute -
they are pocket-sized Eden Belle mini’s.

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:42 pm
by Neville Briggs
Good grief Marty !!!! poor horsie.

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:31 pm
by Kym
Oh, I didn't say I'd win Marty!

They are a beautiful lookin' team though ...

Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:32 pm
by Bob Pacey
Too much wind resistance Marty Kims are lower profile.

and the dung does not have to drop as far. lol


Re: Hey Marty - you wanna race???

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:58 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Love the story in the poem Kym - these little horses must be like little dogs, small on stature huge on attitude.

That winning endurance team are nicely matched Marty - ears pricked, alert and interested and still with plenty of go in them by the look of them or perhaps they were just excited to be at the end of it all :lol: :lol: