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Bird Bath again

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:47 pm
by Ian A
‘Day All,
I thought I should give an update on my solar-powered bird bath.

Initially, as I said, there was strong customer resistance following the modifications that I thought necessary but eventually the new system of a paddle-plate above the storage urn was accepted and did prove popular. Today being the first fine day in yonks, instead of sitting around knocking off a few cold ones, I got busy and set about a system shutdown and the long overdue maintenance procedures of filter cleaning and urn scrubbing.
Then would you believe, while I am up a ladder hosing the leaves and muck out of the gazebo gutter which feeds the urn, I have a deputation of honeyeaters and wattle birds looking over my shoulder complaining about not having been advised of this procedure, the interruption to their lifestyle and wanting to know when will the service be resumed?

Geez! And I thought that the mail-handlers union used to be hard to get on with.

Merry Christmas All,

Re: Bird Bath again

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:29 pm
by Dave Smith
Ian A
Solar power you have sympathy, I have been putting Solar panels on our caravan, lift up the panel with a little help from whoever is around and bolt in place easy. Hook up wires SHOCKING! Please cover panels when working on wiring, as soon as the sun hits them they are making elec-trick-ery!
Yes Ross I know(dumb hey)

TTFN 8-)

Re: Bird Bath again

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:11 pm
by Bob Pacey
Dave now if you can not get a poem out of that there is something wrong. I could picture it in my mind yehooooooo