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Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:00 pm
by Bob Pacey
What's this rubbish about 'toning down' ANZAC day because it may offend immigrants in Australia? What an absolute load of garbage. This is Australia because our forefathers fought for us and our freedom, this is one special day that 'we' proud Aussie's and New Zealanders "Pay our Respects" to the many heroes lost fighting for our freedom and OUR! Country! So who cares if some ILLEGAL immigrant that's funded by OUR taxes gets offended because of a tribute we rightfully pay to OUR ANZAC'S!



Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:36 pm
by manfredvijars
Here Here !!!


Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:05 am
by Vic Jefferies
If the commemoration of the sacrifice made by my forefathers offends someone, they better not tell me!

Vic Jefferies


Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:50 am
by manfredvijars
I've got a feeling that this crap doesn't come from the immigrants themselves, but rather from misguided, PC steeped, 'bend over for others', "let's give them love and understanding" types with a wet dish-rag for a spine who are so involved for 'others' that our "OWN" are glibly overlooked!!!


Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:57 pm
by Dave Smith
Anzac Day to me is right up there, as for the knockers they're just wankers.

TTFN 8-)


Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:17 pm
by william williams
This may read disjointed to you but it is done on purpose to make you think.

There are many millions of you, who have never felt the searing pain, of a bullet in your guts.

And there are just as many out there, who have never felt the frightful pain of a limb shattered by a blast.

To see a face lying in a bed, with eyes that cannot see, or ears that are stone deaf, WAITING?

To see a young man who is in his prime, shuffle round the ward his brain all rattled, shell shocked.

There’s some in wheelchairs, some on crutches. Some in bed, just waiting.

There are amputees with missing parts, hobbling around.

Nerves that go to pieces in the night when all is quiet, and then seeing things! Moveing in a living hell.

I have been to some Repat hospitals and seen it for myself and my heart has cried. I’ve read poetry in these vets homes.

Maybe many of you should have seen some of these people in there former self and not what they are like now, just a shell.

I sincerely hope that none of our members take what is there amongst our fellow people with a grain of salt for many of these people deserve our help and friendship and undying gratitude for what many of them have done so that we, may all have the way of life, that we have today.



Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:19 pm
by r.magnay
....yep Marty, on the money I reckon....I know blokes who wear jackets with.."Proud son of a Vietnam Vet" on them....if that ain't milking the show I don't know what is! the way, I also concur with the rest of you!