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Munger Time.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:31 pm
by Rimeriter
“G’day” -
Munger Time.

Long time no write.
Maybe because, there’s nothing much,
about which to skite.
But I’ll persevere and pen a few, about a recent luncheon do.
Phil’s birthday, he’s just turned ten, takes his place with older men.

Born in a leap he skips a few so we just had to have a do.
P’raps never been naughty and he really reached forty, so we made our way to Chowder Bay.
Ripples Restaurant is situate there, so we booked a table and of course a chair.

They gave us some grub on funny plates – ( not the place for some bushie mates ) –
but the tucker was good ‘n so were we,
Mother, Chrissy and I made three.

Phil came too – well naturally.

© Rimeriter.11/3/12.