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Re: Bookstalling

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:26 pm
by Bob Pacey
You can Read ???? well I'll be buggered, Not literally of course.


Re: Bookstalling

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:17 pm
by Heather
Bob behave! :roll:

There's a great second hand book shop in Bendigo that has a good collection of poetry books. Nice place to get lost in.. :)

Re: Bookstalling

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:49 am
by Bob Pacey
Lifeline book fest last week a book of poems by Bob Pacey selling for 50 cents and If I had not signed it I could have brought it and sold it again.

Not many of those bookshops up our way Marty / Heather but they are great places to while away the time.


Re: Bookstalling

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:34 am
by Neville Briggs
Down the road from little Laggan
where the Crookwell books are sold,
Marty found a book of poems
going cheap 'cause it was old.
Henry Wadsworth ― let me see now ?
Yes ! Longfellow, that's the name,
quite a pen-man in the poets'
hall of literati fame.

Oh, he'll read it, will our Marty,
read the book from front to back,
( "cause just lookin' at the pictures
is considered kinda slack )
and his poetry horizons
will extend, far off from here,
while he's sitting in the carriage
at the horse's steaming rear.

:lol: ........... :shock: :roll:

Re: Bookstalling

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:54 am
by Maureen K Clifford
more of a rear end type of poem Neville - not one of Zondraes elbow types :lol: :lol: