Henry Lawson Society Meeting in Melbourne - weather report

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Stephen Whiteside
Posts: 3784
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:07 pm

Henry Lawson Society Meeting in Melbourne - weather report

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:18 am

Went well yesterday afternoon at the meeting of the Henry Lawson Society, though the weather made it a bit of a challenge. We normally meet in a rotunda in the park, but with a hot northerly blowing on a very humid day it was decided to retreat to the shade of the nearby pond. However, I was just getting in to my stride when the rain came. We beat a retreat to the rotunda, and it truly bucketed down for about twenty minutes or so. I eventually managed to complete what I wanted to say, and a number of others spoke as well, but by the time we were all finished it had become quite cold, and it was mostly a matter of packing up folding chairs, food, etc., and heading for the cars. I tried to be a bit controversial, but everybody was rather distracted, I think - either that, or they just agreed with everything I said! Anyway, it was a great afternoon in spite of all the difficulties.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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