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OK, I give up..

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:51 pm
by Zondrae
Where is everybody.

Did I do something wrong? :!:

Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:21 pm
by william williams
No Zondrae not that you would notice you just behaved like any normal Woman


Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:24 pm
by Heather
Well, I've been out bailing water Zondrae. This is the second deluge from a thunderstorm in a matter of four days. The first one drowned the house pump and it is now cactus. This one nearly killed the loan pump (hopefully bailed in time) and also has seeped into two rooms and wet the carpet. Water over the bridge to the property - creek quite a sight in flood. Unbelievable weather we are having.



Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:58 pm
by Dave Smith
Just greedy that’s what I calls it, in amongst our garden of whatnots and etceteras I have a stag and an elk horn over 30 years old and each just under a metre in size which I am watering by hand as we don’t have enough water to run the drippers. So Heather can you put some in the post Ta. :)

TTFN 8-)

Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:28 am
by Zondrae
G'day Bill,

Are you trying to pick a fight? The comment about 'behaving like a normal woman' I feel, was meant to stir. I don't usually behave like a normal woman, - just ask my husband. Also, I detest discord. To use a musical term, I aim for harmony and often let such jibes slip past with out such a thing as a flutter of an eyelash.

Heather, I am sorry you are having the current trial. Our beloved country... one day drought the next flood. I am fortunate. While I have lived in many different locations and have been surrounded by both extreems, I have never been directly affected.

Marty, you live in Canberra. You may, you never know, bump into my son. He is head of the science dept at Canberra High School. Took on this position at the start of this year. Loves teaching. Has been at it for ten years now.

Now I know that I am not alone - or in Coventry, I shall begin some housework and I have a homework poem to write on "Reminiscing - for the future". The writing group I attend every week come up with some odd topics but somehow we find something to write on even the most weird of them. I guess this is one of those. No one would own up to putting it in the 'hat'.

Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:26 am
by william williams
Struth woman I’ve never picked a fight in my life mind you I have settled a few over the years and Criky moses I give you a compliment and bingo what are you a ? :roll:


Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:13 am
by Zondrae
Oh dear Bill,

Let us join hands and head for somewhere they really need peacemakers. OK? and I don't mean the John Wayne kind. (didn't he call his gun the peacemaker in one of his films?)

Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:30 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Raining here too and talk of releasing water from the Wivenhoe dam which is now over full which will cause some low level flooding around the place - hopefully not mine.

Water on the way Dave - how much do you want? - mind you the dams at Toowoomba dams are only 30% full and why in their wisdom our Govt is not pumping the excess water up to them has me bluffed. That city has been existing on recycled sewage water for over 12 months now The cost of pumping it up certainly IMO won't be any more than paying the damage bill in repair work for letting it flood down this end.

Hope you dry out quickly Heather 'cause I don't think Green is your shade lovey.

Hi Zondrae (waving, waving)



Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:16 pm
by Jasper Brush
Hah, how about 12 inches in two days at Berry.

Rain, rain, rain, go away.

Didn't happen. :shock:



Re: OK, I give up..

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:58 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day all...
Wet,wet,wet here too.
We are due to leave on wednesday heading for Hay in the Riverina. I'm starting to wonder if I might have to approach Hay from Adelaide via the coastline! Flooding in Central and South-west NSW and inland Vic. Maybe I should borrow a tinny from someone?

Heave Ho, me hearties! :roll: