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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:07 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
as another year comes to an end we will be seeing billions of dollars go up in smoke across the country - creating a fire risk that isn't needed if silly people let off unauthorised crackers in inappropriate places.

Don't forget to supply a sheltered safe place for your 4 legged mate if they are fearful of loud noises and make sure all your gates are firmly closed so they can't get out. Local pounds are inundated already with Christmas cast offs and the influx of New Year refugees stretches their already overloaded resources to breaking point.

Our celebration??? with fireworks (2 sessions) is just across the river from me, and I will be spending the night feeding Mahalia sedatives and holding her hand, praying she does not have a heart attack from the abject terror this puts her through.

Happy New Year everybody - thank God the silly season is nearly at an end. Roll on the Easter Bunny - I can handle him :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:16 pm
by Neville Briggs
My old dog used to shake uncontrollably and hyperventilate.

I feel sorry for the poor dogs. I stopped and scratched the back of this dog tied up outside the shop on Wednesday, I realised that I never walk past a dog, tied up or in the back of a ute without talking to it or giving it a scratch if it looks doesn't want to challenge my presence with a bite. :lol: :lol: