Cranky people

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Cranky people

Post by Kym » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:45 am

What is going wrong with the world today?

Example 1:
I was in Big W and a lady was trying to exchange a pair of kids shoes but they were obviously very worn with bubble gum stuck underneath and cordial spilled on top and she had no receipt, but she was very cranky that they wouldn't swap them for a larger size.

Example 2:
I then went to the Cwlth bank to do the ABPA banking and another lady was abusing the heck out of a teller about a 75c charge, and I mean screaming her face off in front of a dozen other customers. (She obviously was in desperate need of that 75c to buy a bra so her boobs didn't slap against her knees).

Example 3:
Grocery shopping at Woollies - a man this time was giving the young checkout chick a terrible time over a sim card and credit etc and it was obviously out of her control, but he was very rude to her.

What is wrong with everyone today? Is it just that I'm on a bit of a downer today and picking up on all the negative vibes, whereas normally I bounce through the shopping centre with my pollyanna happy attitude, blissfully unaware of the nasty people around me?

Last edited by Kym on Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Cranky people

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:41 pm

Good on you Marty and that's the cure I reckon. My brother had a go at a bloke in the bank ripping a tune up a teller and was told it was none of his business. My bro is 6'7" and as he politely explained to the bloke when you make so much noise and use such offensive language in a public place you make it every-bodies business. Like your 'friend' the bully took off to applause from the rest of the customers in the bank. Nice one I reckon.

It's not you Kym - people think they can get away with it - stand up to them and they back down fast especially if there are other people in the bank/bus/train who are equally perturbed by their bad manners. It's time for all of us to take a stand against bad manners IMO


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Bob Pacey
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Re: Cranky people

Post by Bob Pacey » Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:04 pm

What did you bloody mean cranky people, The countries stuffed and I just cut my finger with the trinmmer why would i be cranky. :evil: :evil: ;) ;) LOL

In all my buisness experience you are right. the bullies back down when confronted and I always told the checkout girls or any other team member in any of the stores that I managed that they were not there to be abused and to simply say just wait and I will call the manager.

We called it a code blue and I knew what was on as soon as I got the call.

Cheers Bob
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