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Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:10 am
by warooa
Hey Stephen, there's only one Buddy in the AFL . . . the great Lance Franklin ;)

And yeah, mate can be overdone, and I understand your fragile unacceptance of it stems from some ruddy-faced redneck with a big hat (you been up Laggan way :D ) but geez it's handy when you can't remember some blokes name :roll:

Okay, back under your pillow :P


Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:13 am
by william williams
Now Stephens a sight

Out in the night

Naked as hell

Alas it’s not right

He’s singing a song

On a cold frosty night

I’ve heard of the reason

I know it’s not treason

What your, not singing

Is how are you MATE :lol: :oops: :shock: :roll: :twisted: :cry: :( :shock: :? 8-)

Bill Williams

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:25 am
by manfredvijars
Some city folk are more genteel and often far removed
from things outside their narrow world (of which they disapprove)
Easy to accuse old Mate, "... aggressive stance and hat",
but from your closet, you won't find a wider world than that.

Our forebears fought a different threat and were victorious
their "Identity" was sound and meritorious.
The Yankee redneck, cowboy hat, Jack Daniels in his hand
is your aspiration 'buddy' - how can that be Grand?

Yankee "buddy", Aussie "Mate" if that is gauche mammalian -
the choice for me is simple, Mate - I'll always choose Australian.

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:40 am
by warooa
Geez you've stirred up ole Matefred, Stephen . . . "gauche mammalian" :? he's swallowed a bluddy dictionary for brekky!

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:49 am
by Stephen Whiteside
I'm back under the pillow again. I bought it a manchester shop in Chadstone. It's not some lumpy old bag of feathers in a hessian pillow-slip. And I'm not covering my head with my swag, either. The pillow itself is kapok. It's soft yet still offers support, and it springs back into place when you remove your head. The pillow slip is fine cotton. (I don't like those silk ones. They sweat.) I've gone for a simple white look, though the ones with the patterned borders were briefly tempting. Best of all, they're completely soundproof.

But no, Ross, it's not just 'city vs bush' - though I guess that is part of it. City-based politicians use 'mate' like it's a swear word. And plenty of people in the city are just the same. Perhaps 'buddy' is no different, but because I live in Australia and not America I've heard it less often, and have a better chance of making it my own.

Yes, Heather, it does sound like something you might use to address a small child, and I guess that's why I found it such a good word to use with my son when he was young. 'Mate' just seemed too adult and harsh.

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:50 am
by manfredvijars
Any word can be used in affection or derision. For me the threat is 'displacement'. Our uniqueness is being displaced by foreign adaptations. Maybe it's commercial interests that push to have us believe that foreign imports are better, when in reality products are of dubious manufacture (food-stuffs particularly).

A Jack Daniels swilling 'buddy' in a cowboy hat behaving badly is no less attractive than a Bundy swilling 'Mate' in an Akubra - I'd still choose "Mate" because as Marty rightly pointed out, "Mate" has a deeper meaning in our Culture than 'buddy' ever would'.

I don't usually run with the mob either Stephen, but I'm finding that an increasing number of people are calling me 'buddy' (since my poem in 2007). I refuse to run with that mob.

This last week I've had to correct three people for calling me the 'b' word - I'm Australian, Mate!

Am I alone in my quest ... ????

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:11 am
by Bob Pacey
Sorry everyone I missed most of that as I was out playing golf and having dinner with all my golfing MATES !

There are a lot of things from the states that should be allowed into Australia but Buddy, Pal and Bro are not some of them,

Manfred you are so right, Mate in it's many different forms is uniquely Australian and it ain't what you say but the way thet you say it.

Gotta have a big sleep now mate ! I think one of those rums I had last night was off !!! I can remember playing lawn bowls with Golf balls on the carpet at the club house around 1 am. OOOOHHHHH


Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:53 am
by Glenny Palmer the wise words of Kamahl...''Why are people so unkind?'....

I would have thought 'mateship' allowed for each to choose his own options.

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:47 pm
by william williams
This I wrote nine years ago that really does discribes an Aussie way of life

A Mate ©

It might be.
A firm shake of a hand.
A pat on the back.
Or, a nod of the head.
A wave or even a thumb’s up.
Yet, no more need be said.
‘Cause he’s your mate.

Bill the old battler

Re: words that annoy

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:18 pm
by Neville Briggs
See.. Stephen, Manfred's reacting. I told you so :) ;)

Thanks for the reply Glenny.