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Re: Daily advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:56 pm
by Kym
I'm in Melbourne in a fancy-schmancy boutique hotel called the Royce Hotel, Bob, but it doesn't matter where I am, I'm scared of the dark. It all started when I was a kid and forgot to lock the chooks up before dark so Mum and Dad made me run out in the dark to lock them in. I'm sure I would have given Cathy Freeman a run for her money, cos I was sure there were foxes snapping at my heels all the way ...

Oh, and frogs come out at night and I'm scared of them too ...

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:47 pm
by Dave Smith
Um 43
Kym Melbourne is easy mate; I went outside in the dark in Bangkok Three and a half minutes and then had room service.

TTFN 8-)

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:19 am
by Zondrae
Well I have resisted so far but..

Two pieces of advice I gave my kids;

If in doubt..... don't

The ratio of someone seeing you is directly related to the stupidity of your actions. (so refer to advice #1)

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:45 am
by Kym
Well good people, Heather and I are off on a whirlwind tour of Melbourne today - Old Melbourne Gaol and the Tutankhamon exhibit. I bought some special really comfy super air cushioned sneakers cos last year Heather and I walked everywhere (including the Titanic exhibit) and I had stupid shoes on which almost killed my feet. We must look like a funny pair getting along - like a gazelle with an oompa-loompa ... I hope she walks a bit slower this year so Chubby Mumma can keep up ...

So, my advice for the day is - wear comfy shoes!

Zondrae, why are you resisting posting lately? Come and play with the happy people, join in, you know you are respected and welcome here!

And Marty, yes one part of my brain knows that frogs are harmless, but the majority of my brain thinks they are absolutely freakin' terrifying!!!

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:31 am
by Neville Briggs
Butt true Love is a durable fyre
In the mynde ever burnynge:
Never sycke, never ould, never dead,
From itt selfe never turnynge.

Sir Walter Ralegh. 1600.

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:23 pm
by Darren
Melbourne has turned on a fantastic bout of sunny weather just for your visit. Actually it is like this all year round but we just tell everybody that it's crap for 6 months of the year to keep them away. After all it is the WORLD'S most livable city. :mrgreen:

I am sure you pair will paint the town red in broad daylight! :twisted:

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:42 pm
by Darren
Yeah Marty I kinda agree with you there. Where I am is about 80Km out of Melbourne and allows me to visit when I want to but avoid it most of the time. I use to have a lot of work in Melbourne but as time has gone by I have choosen to concentrate on businesses and schools that are in country towns. Much nicer to drive an hour through lovely country side than any lenght of time in city traffic.

I do like the facilities that are available but I couldn't stand the pollution and noise. On 40 acres you can enjoy peace and a good quality of life.

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:09 pm
by Bob Pacey
Make sure you map out your planned trip to a tee Kym and don't let Heather give you directions she got us lost in Bundaberg !!!!! And almost got us killed when she told me to go on a red turning signal.

Dangerous lady.


Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:12 pm
by Kym
We survived and Melbourne is still standing! We had a fantastic day, but we both got in a spot of trouble with the law - I got arrested and had to confess all my tattoos and scars in front of the group and Heather got "roughed up" a bit by the copper (which she seemed to enjoy actually), then we both got thrown in the lockup for being drunk and disorderly and public nuisances. Can't wait to see the photos ...

Saw Ned Kelly's armour at the state library, went through Old Melbourne Gaol and then Tutankhamon exhibition. His casket wasn't there, but his grandma's was - beautiful craftsmanship and everything embellished with gold, gold, gold.

Went through St Paul's Cathedral - oh my goodness, the organ pipes are over 20' tall! Incredible. Lit myself a little candle, stuck it in the sand and said thanks for all the wonderful things in my life (I'm not religious by any means, but I just felt like I had to once I was there). And we saw the "shot tower" ... is that what it was called Heather? Ate lunch at a Turkish cafe and it was delicious.

Glad I wore my super sneakies, we walked miles and miles and miles. What a great day. I know two very tired but happy girls with very sore feet tonight!

And yes Darren, the weather was superb! Cool enough not to overheat when walking. Perfect.

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:35 pm
by Dave Smith
Goodonya Kym glad you're having fun, ya do have to watch them Vic coppers though.

You light all the candles you like it can’t help to have bet each way, so light little candles just in case. ;)

TTFN 8-)