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Re: It's a hard audience out there

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:13 am
by Terry
I think that we on the forum would possibly be the worst judges of Just what the general population want.
And the more we get involved, the more our judgements impaired. Bob probably gets closer to the real public by performing to the caravan mob, but even then many would have grown up with some knowledge of rhyming poetry - many of them when at school.
Whereas most younger people, or those from overseas may have little or no exposure

To a certain degree the performing poets have a better handle on it, especially those working with the general public.

But most people who attend the major poetry festivals have an interest or they wouldn't be there. So it's doubtful if they really represent the general Australian public of to-day

We chat among fellow poets with our preconceived ideas but the ordinary bloke in the street would wonder what the hell we're talking about most of the time.

Despite this I still reckon we should hang on to what we have, because it's well worth preserving; this is part of our Australian culture and sometimes I think we forget that.

Cheers and Happy New Year to Everybody


Re: It's a hard audience out there

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:29 pm
by Bob Pacey
Spot on Terry But I will say that there is not a day goes by in the park that I do not speak to someone about poetry and surprisingly some of the younger kids love the campfire sessions.

I think it is the atmosphere that a campfire creates along with the yarns and stories poems and cooking mashmellows, ect

I look at it as creating memories that they will remember for years.

Mine you some of them have been coming to the park since I have been there ( Seven Years ) and they are now in their teens.

Just keep putting it out there and some of it will stick eventually.
