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Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:45 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
we can't help ourselves Ross, you , me ,croc and a few others - keeping it zipped :lol: :lol: an iceberg in hell has a better chance,but as Nerelie points out we enjoy the freedom of speech to be able to do so and to share ideas and that is what Australia is about and what blokes like Mal and his Dad and many others fought for and still fight for today. We are indeed a lucky country.

Your Australia Day Nerelie sounds beaut - a great time had by all enjoying what this country offers so freely - although the beer is going up in price all the time. Spent mine unexpectedly with family which was nice - everything else was washed out down here so I was 2nd choice it seems :roll: but we had a lovely day as well.

Hope those coming back from Tamworth have been able to negotiate the flooded roads and find their way safely home - she's a bit wet and woolly in this neck of the woods at the moment



Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:06 pm
by william williams
I know Ross.
The trouble is I have had too much to do with these town pollies who are a lot different to the country pollies. Where there are so many of them in the city’s that are afraid of speaking and doing what should be done instead of worrying about their job pay packets or what their controlling party says. Same as the aborigines some are good and you never see or hear about them and other like a lot of so called whites and black leave a lot to be desired.

Bill Williams

Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:46 pm
by r.magnay
Yeah Bill, if only we had a perfect world hey?

Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:23 pm
by Nerelie Teese
Is this from left field or left wing?

Didn't Gondwana Land's giant marsupials become extinct about the same time or slightly after the original immigrant/migrants crossed the land bridge? Is this a case of 'Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose'? Or have I had one too many coldies in the spa?

Dunno, but I'm heading back to my bubbles ... to enjoy my last weekend of freedom.

Cheers folks Nerelie

Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:00 pm
by r.magnay
....I'm not too sure who you are directing that question to Nerelie, I can tell you from my point of view, I don't know what 'out of left field' means, some sort of sporting saying I imagine, I am certainly not left wing nor are any of my views! I wasn't around when the land bridge existed so I can't comment on that and I don't speak Latin or French or brail or whatever that sentence is written in!...having too many coldies in the spa I can relate many is too many though?....I am concerned that you are about to lose your freedom!.....Hopefully we will talk again when you get out!..... ;)

Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:15 pm
by Nerelie Teese
Hi Ross, it was a rhetorical question, and I think it had something to do with people coming across the land bridge, over the hill, up by the creek, into left field then down by the garden gate and scaring the living daylights out of the giant marsupials possibly before playing a game of baseball ... popping a line space in there just didn't work did it?

The bubbles worked though and yep, freedom's about to be lost when I head off to the big smoke again before the crack of dawn tomorrow But there's plenty of time between now and then for another coldie in the spa as we count satellites in the night sky, unless it's cloudy of course.

Cheers Nerelie

Re: Australia Day activities?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:07 pm
by croc
Bless you Mal...
The best way to address any problem is firstly to admit there is one. Thumping the bloody drum and calling our native brothers 'a load of freeloading idiots' is not the way forward.

It's going to take a little time to sort out this bigotry and racial bollox that this country could well do without, but a damn good step forward would be to get the elders of as many tribes as poss into parliament, and talk some real sence, not just a load of poli waffle... mean what is said and make some real adjustments to their life... not confiscate their land, give them a whole heap of land that is absolutely useless and then build a bloody great boozer on it and above all else allow them to 'book up'.

Is that fair... do we as human beings actually do that to other human beings... yes we bloody do, and we as an educated race should be bloody well ashamed of ourselves. Talk about 'the fair go'...

Be well old mate...