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Re: Daily advice

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:34 am
by warooa
Neville Briggs wrote:And what's the daily advice here Bob, Marty ?
A wise man will pick up a grain of sand and envisage the whole of the universe. The not-so-wise man will just roll around in seaweed until he's completely draped then get up and say "look, I'm Vine man"

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:29 pm
by Neville Briggs
A wise man will pick up a grain of sand and see...a grain of sand. :roll:

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:32 pm
by warooa
the wisest man of all was the first bloke to go to the beach and stand in that hot sand and think "Mmm . . if this sand got hot enough I reckon we could make windscreens out of it".

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:03 pm
by Neville Briggs
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Stephen Covey

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:00 pm
by Bob Pacey
The advice was at the top Nev ?

( Winning is not everything but loosing really sucks )

Footys on gotta go.


Re: Daily advice

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:43 pm
by Neville Briggs
Tell arts they have no soundness,
But vary by esteeming;
Tell schools they want profoundness,
And stand too much on seeming.
If arts and schools reply,
Give arts and schools the lie.

Sir Walter Ralegh

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:55 am
by warooa
Everytime you make a typo the errorists win

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:52 pm
by Neville Briggs
You just watch out for the storm mate, and hang on to that hat. :)

Re: Daily advice

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:59 am
by Bob Pacey
Marriage is like a deck of cards ?

First you only need two hearts and some diamonds.

Later on you wish you had a club and a spade :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Daily advice

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:25 pm
by manfredvijars
The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering.
(Tom Waits)