Bush Poetry named in Parliament

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Neville Briggs
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:20 am

Heather is right. ( What am I saying :o )
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

Vic Jefferies
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Vic Jefferies » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:42 am

Gary you raise many interesting, and in my opinion valid points, however it would be interesting to know if any thought has ever been given to the ABPA actually making an application for assistance through a "grant?"

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:49 pm

Underpants, knickers, jocks ? Who cares Queensland lost origin two.

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Neville Briggs
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:29 pm

And it gets worse, when they lose Origin 3
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Mal McLean
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Mal McLean » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:51 pm

Well I'll leave the macro argument to you Gary, but if you run for the senate, you've got my vote!

Preserve the Culture!

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Gary Harding
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Gary Harding » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:07 am

Thanks for your interest Vic and Mal

Here is some further information that might put your Grant question in some perspective, even if it does not directly answer it.... here goes....

In my written correspondence to Sen. Brandis (Arts), there was of course a very brief complaint element ...but that risked the thing degenerating into an argument about "that" poem which of course gets you nowhere.

The PM's office knew they were caught out and the best they could do to refute me was to say you are merely one opinion of no particular weighting and therefore count for nothing, and besides.. we have "experts" as judges. Naturally I did not tell them I was also an expert. (They are everywhere these days!) I was just letting them know I knew and they didn't know... not trying to win an argument.... just getting through to Peta Credlin who must have hit the roof when she found out what was in THAT $80,000 poetry book!

Strategically I took a constructive approach and used the whole embarrassing episode as a vehicle for trying to better the lot of Bush Poetry. Writers, performers, Australians.. everyone. An outcome with real and measureable results.

I would never ever have gone cap-in-hand to Canberra and said how about some money please.... begging. My pride and dignity would never allow it. Not to those types.

It was this unique opportunity afforded by this PM's Award blunder that opened the door a crack. They (The Modernist Poets in control) were suddenly very vulnerable.
Anyway... I suggested two things to Sen Brandis. I said "George let's work together to improve things" .... a nice approach.

1. A complete restructuring of the administration of Poetry within Arts. A separate responsibility for Traditional poetry that is kept well away from the modernist poetry. They are two distinct fields, and like oil and water, simply do not get along and besides they compete for funds. No extra staff, just reassignment of duties. A responsible Ministry person who is a go-to man for bush poets, but he is far more than that. WE do not go to him, he comes to us. Like an active mentor, a dedicated participant and facilitator. A member of all the Societies... and keeps his finger on the pulse too. An ideas person. A communicator and encourager who actually helps. NOT a clerk or processor of applications for grants. That is out the window. For example he should have a Tickler File that prompts him to ring say Stephen Whiteside every couple of months and say"Hey Stephen, how is the Society going, anything we can do? what about you guys recording a Dennis CD for schools.... would you be in that??... funding is no problem, we start tomorrow"

2. An extensive list of ways that money could be spent (better spent I emphasised) in promoting Bush Poetry. I scratched my head but got a good list. Some ideas were excellent.
I made sure that it was all low cost as those things can sail through. One "grant" for $40,000 to a hippy poet (they give out nine) money into the pocket of one person for who-knows-what, redirected could subside and encourage a raft of modest bush poetry books put out by such people as Bill Williams, Zondrae, Maureen, Bob etc... whose work I enjoy and who have something to say... and others here who just need a gentle nudge. It preserves work.

Not MORE taxpayer money for poetry... less ... but far more effectivly used. Just a rearrangement of priorities and philosophies within Arts.
It is a win for Sen Brandis and a win for Bush Poets too.... and a loss for the Canberra Poetry "CLUB."

Of course the price is lots of photo opportunities with pollies. Easy done.

I tend to shy away from the "Grant" culture. Subsidy is a nicer word.. it suggests a "partnership" which is better than "Here, have a lovely lump of money" like a Master gifting a Servant. anyway.. whatever.. it is all cash in the end.

Having not received an acknowledgement from Arts, they said a reply was being prepared but oddly never arrived, it was clear the Club had got to it and shuffled it off to the bin.. or as I crudely said, the lavatory.

But now.... something must be happening!

George has a sudden affinity for Paterson which he is desperate to show off in public!!! For some reason his minders are trying to shore him up in this area...! why?!.. I have some ideas.. but hey.. that's enough from me...

Thanks for your interest. I am sorry if I appear to be going in very hard on a lot of this stuff. I even accused Tony Abbott of being a closet ladies panty fan.... pretty disrespectful, but it got attention, made the point for sure, which was the aim.

I am really a nice guy, but sometimes (like now) one needs to not be meek and to go in very hard against big vested and established cosy interests.
Thanks again.

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:19 am

Love this ( It was this unique opportunity afforded by this PM's Award blunder that opened the door a crack. )

Keep jambing that foot in the door Gary, You obviously have a great knowledge of how these antiquated systems work and so yes use them to yours and Bush Poetrys advantage.

I could never understand the system of allocation money as grants with no tangible outcome.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
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Gary Harding
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Gary Harding » Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:07 pm

Thanks Bob,
At the end of the day I am expecting absolutely nothing from this exercise.. to be honest. :)
I do not mean to get anybody's hopes up. Arts/Brandis can simply tell me where to go (in official jargon) and go back to their tea-break, which they effectively have done... so far. ;)

Canberra is a different and isolated world. A long way from "the bush" shall we say.

The Arts Department is a massive money-doling machine. It is beseiged by groups and individuals clamouring for more and more free money and of course, mateship/connections plays a part. Poetry is well controlled, not many Lawson fans there I'm afraid. $40,000 grants to individuals. That pays for a lot of pens and paper.... absurd! Doesn't anyone write for the love of it now..? Money!

My sensible and well thought out proposal has been with them for five months and I have not even received an official acknowledgement of receipt of it. What does that say.?
The same incompetents who did not even bother to vet that Winning book of crudity, are the same ones who treat me with contempt. That contempt runs both ways of course. THAT is what I am up against. That is The "Arts" for you.. mingy ignorant public servants.. .. poor Henry would turn in his grave. haha

However rest assured that they have not escaped scott-free. I have reason to believe that some backsides have been firmly kicked... which yes, does give me great satisfaction, and is not saying much I guess, but achieves .. nothing. Sad.

I do not think the fight is over... not yet... I am waiting to hear from my contact in the Opposition Shadow Arts Minister's office who may shed some light on recent events. Those guys have been great... Mark Dreyfus. Setting aside your colour of politics, they have been very supportive!! good fair dinkum blokes with a dry wit. (Yes yes I know the poem "The Bridge Across The Creek".. haha)

Fight the Good Fight as they say...

PS I wonder if George Brandis' sudden love of Paterson extends to practical help for those poor folk at Winton?? Give his useless lazy staff something noble to do instead. $80,000 would go a long way there. Collecting old bush poetry books to make a display perhaps.? don't hold your breath though....

Neville Briggs
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:50 pm

Opposition members are always supportive and symathetic to critics of the government, until they are no longer in opposition.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Bush Poetry named in Parliament

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:32 pm

Well said Gary - especially like this bit -
I wonder if George Brandis' sudden love of Paterson extends to practical help for those poor folk at Winton??
You bring up some valid points and also what appear to be workable solutions - I find it reprehensible that your correspondence has received no official reply. Bad manners in the extreme - not even a simple acknowledgement of receipt. I would have expected better - much better.

If it was our Mayor at Ipswich and something of the magnitude of what happened at Winton happened here - Paul would have been on the doorstep the next day wanting to know what he and his council could do to help.... don't expect to see that happen at Winton though, or at least not by any Govt body.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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