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Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:03 am
by keats
I can only meditate if I have loud rock music playing. I only pray if I think I'm gonna die.........just in case.

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:37 am
by Glenny Palmer
Gawd Neill. I'm glad you're not in my meditation zone. I'd haveta double the blue tac in me ears. Yeah....we all make bargains with God when the Reaper hovers. He must get a good laugh outta those!

Seriously Stephen...I reckon there is a real problem in our society with the fear of being still!! The bloody media & corporate world have trained everyone ('cept me!!) to need noise! noise! distraction! & more godforsaken noise.

There's not a tv documentary that exists without a racket (spuriously known as 'music') clattering on behind the narrator; it's utterly impossible to go shopping anywhere without 50 different sound tracks blasting away at you....with intermittent bing bongs & 'peas are reduced in aisle 6'. They want us distracted! we'll buy the bloody peas...out of abject confusion & desperation to get OUT... & into the sheep herding drive back home...where the first appliance of the day to be switched on is...more noise. Yapping flamin' retards with ugly war clips interspersed. They're training us to be afraid of being....still. Because, if we get still, & at one with ourselves, our true selves, we'd recognise & reject this insane mayhem...and they'd go broke! And wouldn't that be disastrous!! Hail the mighty dollar...and bugger authentic power. Gaaaawd!

Goodo......aauuuum..... :roll:

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:54 am
by william williams
Hi Glenny and others there is only one way to meditate if you should call it that. It is to grab a stubby, a fishing rod and sit by the river and remember the good times because the future will not be as good,

bill the old battler

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:31 pm
by Vic Jefferies
I am with you Glenny! Cannot abide the awful music some stores now play so loudly. I often wonder if it is just the teenage shop assistants who decide to flood the store with the cacophony that passes for music today. I cannot get out of those shops quickly enough and the noise must surely cost the owners sales, I know it drives me away.
Horror of horrors I recently went into a book shop that has chosen to blast the eardrums of the customers and of course I left without buying the book I intended to purchase.
The ubiquitous Sub Way shops have now decided that we can't live without noise and have started loudly broadcasting junk music in their shops. No more Sub Ways!
Is there anything more annoying or offensive than restaurants that insist on blasting diners with music so loud that they cannot converse while dining? When this happens I often ask for the music to be turned down and I am often thanked by other diners.
I really do not understand the marketing principle behind the playing of the loud offensive music.
On the other hand we have a delightful little second hand shop in our area where the owner plays some of the finest old jazz and swing recordings very discreetly in the background and it is always a pleasure to enter the shop. I often stay longer than I intended because of the soothing enjoyable music and great ambience.

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:34 pm
by keats
Aha! And there be the difference. Jazz and swing and bush balladeers make me want to drink poison. But I must agree that I avoid stores that play very loud music. But it doesn't have to just be modern music. I like Bills idea on meditation although I am much more optimistic about future days. :D


Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:19 pm
by Neville Briggs
Stephen, I discovered that the word prayer is derived from the Latin word precarius, from which we also get the English word precarious. Now there's a thought to meditate on.

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 2:01 pm
by Vic Jefferies
Keats if someone cannot appreciate or enjoy the music of: Benny Goodman; Lena Horn;
Louis Armstrong; Glenn Miller; Frank Sinatra; Ella Fitzgerald; Sarah Vaughan; Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, et al, they probably should drink poison.

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 2:10 pm
by keats
Yes Vic IYHO. I feel the same of those who cannot appreciate the genius of Clapton, Santana, Pink Floyd, Slade Cleaves. Louden Wainwright etc etc etc. and most of them started in the 60s and are still touring to packed houses. So each to their poisons. Neville will be by shortly with his view on V
Classical music then we will cop Slim Dusty. Sorry I am not old enough to appreciate the artists you mentioned. LONG LIVE ROCK AND ROLL!


Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:33 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Is that Eric or Richard, Neil?

Re: Prayer vs meditation

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:34 pm
by r.magnay
...I think you lie about your age Neil.... :roll: