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Re: I've been robbed!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:47 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Vic... :lol: Hey! this is just a PEARLER of a poem subject.....

Re: I've been robbed!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:48 pm
by Bob Pacey
Serenity be stuffed Zondrae, I would go the whole hog contact the local paper they would go for the irony of the stolen Budda's, and if your local radio station is a talk back station ring them as well. I doubt if interstate villians would target your garden so they are locals as they must have cased the place first.

Give it to them as someone knows who they are.


Re: I've been robbed!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:00 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Bob,

What a good idea. A Letter to the editor. It is round Chinese New Year and all the missing figures have Chinese connections ie two Buddhas and two Terracotta Warriors. But now that our 'local' paper is neither written nor printed in Wollongong (It is done in New Zealand! would you believe) I don't like my chances of having it printed. But I'll give it a go.

Re: I've been robbed!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:35 pm
by r.magnay
Zondrae, your local paper is printed in NEW ZEALAND!...struth!...what is the world coming to?... often do you get It?...the paper I mean... :oops:

Re: I've been robbed!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:51 pm
by warooa
You need a Buddha decoy, Zondrae . . . (or needed one) something like this . . .

Re: I've been robbed!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:24 am
by Zondrae
Oh I'd love some of those. (baby Buddha)

Problem is they have a horrible habit of turning into children!

We still get the paper daily but all the copywriting is done via computer , in New Zealand.
I guess it is printed in Sydney. I think they have local photographers and reporters but I presume they are paid by the story and not on a steady wage. I have't tried to place a classified since the change over.