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Re: Sunday

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:28 am
by Glenny Palmer
Very witty Bill!... :lol: do you know what state my laundry is in..??

Hey Martyboy. Wanna hear a classic ''croc oxymoron''?
''Thank God I don't have any religon!''....(only croc could dream that one up.)

oooh oops. We're off on religion...stand back!

Re: Sunday

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:20 pm
by Neville Briggs
I knew you wouldn't be able to resist Marty. :roll:

Again I draw attention to Bob's clear and plain sentences. No twisted syntax,
all the expressions suitable to the theme. Not a masterpiece, but a good example of using ordinary everyday contemporary speech. Direct and unambiguous.
Just a little bit of work needed on the punctuation.

Just my opinion, and it is based on the contemporary works that I read, I think it is good practice to try as far as possible to stick to such direct and clear speech. I think the
" trick ' is to weave into it some surprising and new " takes " but still in plain direct speech that we hear around us to-day. If we can do that, I think we can start to get poetic. Just my thoughts, I could be wrong, but that is how I am trying to learn.

Remember the judge's comments that David Campbell put up recently. She said people were trying to be " poetic " by using flowery speech ( words to that effect ). I think there was some good advice in David's post, from the judge.

Re: Sunday

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:13 pm
by Bob Pacey
Yeah you lot look at my plain clear setences it took a lot of effort to come up with that style just do not ask me to do it again.

;) ;) ;) ;)
