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Re: Bob Pacey will REALLY be thrilled - Happy Birthday Bob .

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:55 am
by warooa
Happy hang-over day Bob :)


Re: Bob Pacey will REALLY be thrilled - Happy Birthday Bob .

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:09 am
by Bob Pacey
Cheers and thanks all, have not had a drink for three months now Marty on medication and got another month to go.

Not sure if Zondrae was wishing me happy birthday or not ???? ;) ;) ;)

The highlight was birthday wishes from a couple of nieces I have not seen for about 15 years and another who lives " In New Zealand " Who I've never met so all in all a good day still had to work though and got a buffet dinner show tonight at the park. anyone heard of Maree Wilson ? she is our singer tonight and is doing a promo your of Queensland heading south and is looking for gigs if anyone is available doing our show for free tonight. Keeps the boss happy that way.

Cheer Bob

Re: Bob Pacey will REALLY be thrilled - Happy Birthday Bob .

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:22 am
by Bob Pacey
Toe nails grow out very slowey Marty. My sons solution Change ya bloody doctor dad.

Even sent him a text wanting to know if what i was saying was true ( the doctor plays touch football ) with him.

Gonna finish this course and then might restrict drinking to poetry nights as there is ( as Neil will tell you ) a big difference between a one and a three rum performance ??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Off to work see ya all tomorrow or late tonight.


Re: Bob Pacey will REALLY be thrilled - Happy Birthday Bob .

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:23 pm
by Dave Smith
Goodonya Bob Happy birthday., If ya keep this up you'll soon be as old as me n' Bill

TTFN 8-)

Re: Bob Pacey will REALLY be thrilled - Happy Birthday Bob .

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:06 pm
by Irene
Happy belated birthday Bob - missed it yesterday. HOpe you had a wonderful day!!