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Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:58 pm
by Zondrae
Best wishes to you Frank, for a speedy recovery.

thank you for this information. I will treasure it as I do your friendship.
you had better get well soon - we can't do without you.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:00 am
by manfredvijars
I stole this piccie from Glenny .... Charlee's not in it but many of the poets mentioned by Frank are ...
(Frank is the bloke at the back with the hat, close to the middle)

A real gallery of rogues. Toowomba 1995.
— with Lorraine Beavis, Bill Glasson RIP, Tony Beavis R.I.P., Johnny Johannsen, John Major, Dorothea Quinn, Flo Hart, Campbell the Swaggy, Glenny Palmer, Johnny Philipson (R.I.P), Kevin Dean, Lee Miller, Robert Raftery, Gary Fogarty, Mark Klienschmidt, Norma Jeffries, Tiny Hall, Bluey Bostock, Frank Daniel, Phillipa Powel, Carmel Randle, Col Shiels, Bobby Miller, Bette Shiels, Neil McArthur, Marco Gliori, Michael Darby, Bob Magor, Betty Walton, Zita Horton, Marion Fitzgerald, Liz Ward, Will Heckendorf and Milton Taylor.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:13 am
by keats
Haha. I remember that one. One of my first Comps and meeting some other young blokes such as Milton, Frank and a few others having their first crack. Poor old Charlee was about the only one missing. The onset of his illness. Great memories and great friendships to this day.

I actually have the original Photo in storage, still.

Thanks for taking time out to put it up, mate.


Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:46 am
by Brenda Joy
I can't pick you out Neil and is that really Milton on the right hand side of the second row back?

What a bunch!

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:57 pm
by Bob Pacey
Thats Neil right at the back near Bob Magor if you look close you can see his ear sticking out.

Makes me wish i had got into the poetry a lot earlier. would love to have met Bobby Miller.

Thanks heaps Frank.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:51 pm
by keats
Ear Ear!!!! Watch it Pacey!!!! Yeah that was thee first time I ever met Miller and I asked him what it was best to do in the finals. Your poem from the heats or another one. He said "Same Poem". I did. I lost. He used a different one. He won!! Little mongrel. Never let him forget either. Start of a long and truly wonderful friendship that was. We all still miss him.


Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:42 pm
by Bob Pacey
Sorry Neil could not resist that mate ! i recognised the hat and i think it is the same one you wear today ? :lol:

Hey Neil you might know , were there ever any videos of Bobby performing ?

The present owner of the park where I work is a bush poetry tragic and said he used to get Bobby to do performances at a park he owned and he always had the crowd in stiches. Would love to have seen how he worked.

Cheers Bob

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:32 pm
by keats
The only ones I have are the Bobby Miller tribute show which was held when he was still alive and I also have a Dvd (both these converted from Video Tape) of the first Bundy Muster with Bobby Miller, Charlee Marshall, a very early Ray Essery and Shirley Friend and a remarkably young Marco Gliori plus myself. Also have TV and Radio Ads Bobby and I did together many years ago. They are all back in storage in Ballarat though at the moment.


Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:35 pm
by Bob Pacey
One day after you settle in "Bundy " will have to have a get together Mate.

Cheers Bob.

Re: re Charlee Marshall?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:41 am
by keats
I'll take you up on that mate! I'll drop in with copies of the DVDs and do some poetry with ya and have a chinwag about 7 in a row to Qld. and the poets we have met, over a couple of civil Rums!
