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"And a miner old, Struck that vein, So rich with gold,

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:15 pm
by manfredvijars
G'day All ...
just had this cross my desk and posting in the hope someone may know of it ???



Good morning Sir: Please help me find the author and all the lyrics to this song if you can. My father used to sing it and I cannot find it on line. Thank you.

Something, Something,
"And a miner old,
Struck that vein,
So rich with gold,

But the young one stole,
And wouldn't share,
He left that old man out there

And now they sleep,
An endless sleep,
And the whispering woods,
Their secrets keep,
Where no one goes, and no one sees,
Their bleaching bones lie beneath the trees."