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Ah, forget it!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:45 am
by Zondrae
G'day all,

Does anyone know of a poem with this opening line? or Title? It is written in the voice of a soldier from the first World War.
A member of my writers group was recently at a nursing home and a resident recited it. They didn't know who wrote it. There are a good number of stanzas. When asked to write it out the resident said she couldn't. (physically) So the suggestion was to have someone (another job for him/her) to write it as the resident recited it slowly. This would have to be, either a dedicated person with lots of spare time, or done in several sessions.
I volunteered either Joe or Peely to find it and I said what good sluths they were. Any clues???

'Ah, Forget it!' (the title, not a suggestion)

Re: Ah, forget it!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:55 am
by Dave Smith
Zondrae do you or your friend have access to a voice recorder, this would be an excellent way to get the poem down and it could be made in to hard copy at your leisure, that is if you ever get any leisure.


Re: Ah, forget it!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:14 pm
by Peely
G'day Zondrae

I have found a copy of a Slim Dusty song with the title "Ah, Forget It". The phrase is not in the opening line though - it does not appear until the fourth line of the opening verse/stanza (depending on whether you are looking at it as a song or poem). The subject matter seems to match in OK with what you have mentioned as it is about a couple of soldiers during a time of war. Words are as below:

Ah, Forget It
Slim Dusty

I recollect his joining, I liked him from the first,
His smile was everlasting, unquenchable his thirst,
Oh, I ventured once to ask him, what made him take to booze
He muttered "Ah,forget it, I drink because I choose."
It wasn't quite an answer, he saw that I was hurt,
And hastened to repair things but "ah forget it" first,

"I didn't mean to snub you", then shook me by the hand,
"A woman, but forget it." I said, "I understand."
Then he shouted me a whiskey, and paid for two or three,
And grumbled "Ah,forget it", when I said, "This one's on me."
His heart was like old Phar Lap’s, as big and just as great,
And many a needy cobber , a helping hand he gave.

When came the day for sailing, to foreign parts unknown,
We all had friends to cheer us, but he was there alone.
Until the grey haired lady, a mother’s eyes alight,
Said, "Son, I'll keep on praying, for you both day and night."
With "Ah, forget it, mother, those things will be OK"
We stumbled up the gangplank, and so we sailed away.


Well soon the old battalion was fighting in the line,
And you know no finer hero than this old friend of mine,
One night out in the jungle when we had made a break,
I learned just why the digger is the bravest thing God made,
Wounded in the shell hole and wallowing in mire,
The battle stormed around me, with crackling rifle fire

Machine guns loudly stuttered and swept the shell hole rim ,
When someone dropped beside me, oh, I knew that it was him.
And his cheery voice was saying, "Buck up, this war’s a cow,
But ah, forget it cobber, for I'll get ya back somehow."
Despite that mad infernal, he safely brought me through
But not before the other side had badly got him too.

In choking words I thanked him, though dying he would gain,
He said, "Ah gee, forget it, ah , you would have done the same."
His rugged face was greying, I knew it was the end,
A better man than I am, had died to save his friend.
And when he comes to judgement, Oh, I know just what he'll say,
"Dear God I am unfitted to tread the holy way.
"I've gone my way unheeding, just lived a life of sin."
But God the Just will answer, "Forget it, Son, Come in."


John Peel

Re: Ah, forget it!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:58 pm
by Zondrae

You are worth your weight in gold. Thank you so much. I will print this out and have my friend check back with his friends Aunty that it is the same poem/song.
I have impressed on him the importance of recording the source 'Lady' even though we may have located the words.. Also to try to capture her thoughts on the poem.

I believe there is too much genuine, valuable material being lost because we can't spare a few hours to have it recorded. I don't have any relations etc to take material from. Maybe I should volunteer at one of the old folks homes in my area. Mind you, it is hard enough getting our own family stories recorded.

Re: Ah, forget it!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:00 am
by Dave Smith
Marty mate
Get the tapes and listen to them some treasures you are sure to find and get them onto disc while tape players are still with us.

TTFN 8-)