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An Afghan with a turban on...

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:05 am
by Brenda Joy
Can anyone help Paula with this?

Dear Hal and Brenda

I wonder if you could possibly help me.

My father in law is 85 and a great reciter of poetry.

He has a few favourites, and one of them is about a bloke who went to the pub

and ran a book on the types of hats at the bar – panamas, felts etc

One line that BJ recites is, and he isn’t too sure if it is accurate, goes:

“An afghan with a turban on, a skinner for the books” walks in through the pub door, and the bloke

looses his money.

He has never been able to establish who wrote the poem.

Is there a chance that you may know?

It would make his day if he could find out.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

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