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Can someone help Max?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 3:57 pm
by keats
I have had a friend ask me if I can find out the name (and the rest of this Poem) I will include all she is able to remember about it. Her mother used to recite it to the family many years ago.
The poem is about Captain Starlight. In it there is mention of the brothers Dick, Ben and Jim Marsden who were part of the gang. Rainbow is mentioned as Starlight's horse and two troopers are named as Trent and Goring. This is what she can remember:-
out in Australian Dell
on a cruel stormy night
two mounted figures could be seen
midst lightning flashing bright
galloping on at a merry pace
till the crossroads they had met
when the tallest of them called a halt
and to his comrades said
"go Warrigal, back to the cabin
and lead Ben, hurry here
for we have lots to do my lad
and the night is drawing near
come Rainbow we must meet them
we want that gold my pet
and once I draw on Goring
I will not miss you bet
"Bail Up" and the well trained charger
sprang at the leaders head
then came a cry like the howl of a dingo
from a shanty up ahead
in a thrice the daring Starlight
had drawn his charger back
and the frightened mail coach horses
raced madly down the track
back in the gloom he waited
and listened again for the cry
then came the sound of hoof beats
and the cry again nearby
it was Warrigal back from the cabin
and he cantered down the track
to meet his faithful comrade
the trusty half caste black.
That is only some of the poem I believe there is quite a bit more and I wondered if anyone could tell me the name and author of the poem
Hope you can help
Max Pringle