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Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:41 pm
by Zondrae
Does anyone have a copy of the Les Barker classic

Is Poetry Better Than Sex?

Re: Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:28 pm
by william williams
SORRY ZONDRAE I can remember some poetry but carn't remember what sex is about

bill w

Re: Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:05 pm
by Bob Pacey
Could have a long debate on that one. Zondrae will keep an eye out at the bookfest for you.

Cheers Bob

Re: Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:06 pm
by Frank Daniel
Here y' go Zondrae!

Sex Is Better Than Poetry

Sometimes I wander down memory lane;
Some things spring to mind straight away;
Sex in the previouis century
Is more vivid than poetry today.

I remember Helen; and Julie was fun,
And evenings with Evelyn were ace;
But Shakespeare and Milton and Wordsworth and Donne?
Disappeared for ever; no trace.

Who here has been rendered ecstatic
By Betjeman, Byron or Scott?
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

Words it was not; it was women
Who took those sweet years of my time;
I never went down to the pub
To see if two sentences rhymed.

Nights down dark lanes in the back seats of cars;
Was it poetry that gave our hearts wings?
Was it poetry that steamed up the windows?
Was it poetry that tested the springs?

Did the thrill of iambic pentameter
Keep the fires of our passion red hot?
Is Poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

Remember the success of the musical "Hair"?
Did the words of its songs make it so?
Was it Glibby glop gloopy nibby nabby nooby
La la la lo lo?

Sabba sibby sabba nooby abba nabba;
Were we gripped by these words of the sage?
I think it had rather more to do
With naked bodies on stage.

Tooby ooby wabba nooby abba naba.
Am I impressed? Not a lot;
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

Does my soul sing out for, say, Shelley?
No; his verses are just so much froth;
Should we have more sex on the telly?
Yes; though I sometimes fall off.

If you were alone in some far away place
And the evening was starting to drag;
If you had to choose, which one would you refuse;
The Lady of Shallot or a shag?

By the latter, in clarification,
I did not mean a guillemot;
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

If poetry was better than sex,
There'd be a torrent of spam sent upon it;
'Brazilian housewives read Shakespeare for you';
'Add an extra four lines to your sonnet'.

There's no: "You are not Long, fellow;
The opposite sex will not like you;
They want a man with a big soliliquy
All you've got is a haiku."

Does it matter how long a man's poem?
No indeed; not a jot;
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

Have I passed long years of pure pleasure
In pursuit of the most perfect rhyme?
Oh no; that to me is no treasure;
Procreation's been the thief of my time.

And when I have something to say,
A passion I need to express,
Do I care overmuch about scansion and rhyme?

Do I preach that we reach for some peach of a word?
No, I lob in some odd apricot;
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure dome decree
And would that dome have poets in?
Not if it was up to me;

I get quite confused when I see a hand used
To write verse, whether rhyming or blank;
Some other employment would bring more enjoyment;
That's what I think, to be frank.

The day that I'm cursed with a preference for verse
You can order my hearse on the spot;
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

The odyssey, Illiad; in days far behind,
Did I seek out girls who could quote 'em?
Is the way to my heart through the doors of my mind?
No, like most men, I'm led by the scrotum.

And when the debate has come to a close
And we've filled you with smiles and with laughter
Don't come to us with your poems, my dears;
It isn't your poems we're after.

What are words when two souls might be dancing
That sweet horizontal gavotte?
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

To keep me amused, I know which I'd choose;
But remind me, in case I've forgot;
Is poetry better than sex?
No, it's bloody well not.

Les Barker - 2003

Re: Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:09 pm
by Frank Daniel
Is Poetry Better Than Sex was the topic of discussion in the Great Debate one year at the National Folk Festival.
I think Les Barker was one of the guests!

Re: Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:12 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That is so good Frank - thank you for sharing. I have never seen/read that before and I just love it.

Totally irreverent and who could ever dispute it and I never realized the lyrics to Hair were so inane :lol: :lol: I loved that song :?



Re: Les Barker Poem

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:45 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Frank,

You're right as usual. I was there. There was absolute mayhem. It was the funniest show I have ever seen in my life. The venue holds about four thousand and was packed to the rafters. Anyone who has seen Les Barker will understand. His totally dry delivery, and of course the topic, brought the house down. I had severe cramps in my cheek and sides from laughing and tears flowing freely. Thanks for posting and thanks to Marty B for sending it too.