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New(?) Kids Books

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:11 pm
by Zondrae
Has anyone else seen these kids books. They are four (at least) of the classic Australian poems written with illustrations for littlies. I saw Mulga Bill's Bicycle and three others. Their format is a line per page with cartoon style pictures.
Our current NSW and Qld Champion reciter Ralph Scrivens bought the set of four to present to his local primary school. and when he is delivering them he will, no doubt, offer to come along and do a performance for the kids.
I'm going to buy at least one set also, possibly two and donate them to the schools nearest me. These books are only $5 each. a small investment in the future of Australian Bush Poetry.

Apparently Australian poetry is on the current primary curriculum.

Re: New(?) Kids Books

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:15 pm
by Bob Pacey
Is there supposed to be a link or a picture with this Zondrae ?


Re: New(?) Kids Books

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:15 pm
by Zondrae
Bob,, no,

If anyone is really interested they will go and find these books like I am going to do tomorrow. They are available down here in one of those $5 book shops or so I have been told.