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Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:23 pm
by Duncan Williams
Extract, from Gunnedah Independent Newspaper. 1st March 2011.

The iconic Dorothea Mackellar Memorial Poetry Awards for schools has received a reprieve with the announcement of $150,000 in funding by Member for New England Tony Windsor.
Minister for school education, early childhood and youth, Peter Garrett, informed Mr Windsor that he had approved funding as a Commonweath Goverment Contribution for the delivery of the awards for the next three years.
Mr Windsor pointed to the proud history of the awards which provide young people with an opportunity to express themselves through poetry.
The writing of poetry by our young people should be encouraged and when combined with a focus on our nation, it will help to instil a pride in our country just as Dorothea Mackellar did through her poetry. Mr Windsor said.
'I encourage students of all ages and from all across Australia to participate in the 2011 awards and in future years'.
'The outcry from teachers, students and community members, when funding was suspended cannot be underestermated- the awards stand in the category of their own as Australia's best known and oldest poetry awards for students.
Mr Windsor also paid tribute to Gunnedah resident Mikie Maas who founded the awards ofter the unveiling of the Dorothea Mackellar statue in Anzac park on Australia Day 1983.
After successfully fund-raising more than $30,000 for the sculpure, with the aid of a small but enthusiastic committee, Mrs Maas saw the opportunity to inspire a love of poetry in the Australian children by initiating the poetry competition.
The committee chose the theme 'My Country' and sent entry forms to schools all over the state urging teachers to foster poetry in their students by entering the awards.
The competition attracted 300 entries from 80 schools with inaugural awards ceremony held in Gunnedah on Australia Day 1984. the following year the competition drew 400 entries from 200 participating schools.
Mikie Maas steped down from the organising committee in 1994 and a full time co-ordinator was employed in 1995. today more than 15,000 entries are processed online, with the judges reading every poem.

Re: Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:21 pm
by manfredvijars
That's GREAT news Duncan, thanks for posting ... :D

Re: Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:50 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Duncan,

And yet, the schools I have approached showed no interest in Australian Bush Poetry at all.
One local high school, I donated books (Bronze Swagman Anthologies not my own work) and offered to come to the school to present, or assist with workshops, plus follow ups, if the teacher so wished. But no takers.

I wonder if all schools are aware of this competition? Where can I find the details, Please.

Re: Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:57 am
by Neville Briggs
Thanks for that Duncan.

Zondrae, that's a bit of a downer. When I was at school ( in the days of horsedrawn zeppelins ) we were given My Country, The Man from Ironbark, Lights of Cobb and Co, as part of the English course by the English Master no less.

Re: Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:51 am
by warooa
That's great Duncan . . thanks for informing us - Tony Windsor who, correct me if I'm wrong, is the ABPA patron seems to be a great supporter of bush poetry, and perhaps under-utilised in the position of power he holds?

Cheers, Marty

Re: Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:53 am
by Duncan Williams
G'day Manfred, Neville and Marty

(Zondrae) The details for the Dorothea mackellar Poetry Awards are now open. entries close on, June 30. 2011.
you will find more information by visiting,


Re: Poetry Funding To Our Ears.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:33 pm
by Zondrae

Thanks for that.