Inclusive ?

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:39 pm

Fair comment Marty and I agree with you - cutting off our noses as it were -the stick and the carrot approach rarely works or long - perhaps a little gentle encouragement as in eg 3 entries to the comp gives you a 5% discount on ABPA membership fees and 5 entries will give you a 10% reduction might work better.
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Brenda Joy
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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by Brenda Joy » Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:13 pm

Thanks for your comments Marty and Maureen. The condition is aimed at protecting those who are ABPA members. There are a lot of organisations where non-members can come in and carry off the prizes.
We are not into great fund raising -- we are a non-profit organisation. However, membership fees are needed to cover outlays including insurance costs, company registration, etc. etc, to cover the cost of producing the ABPA magazine and to allow the ABPA to make monetary contributions towards National and State festivals.
The ABPA Committee's intent is to do what the majority of members desire and we welcome input. Your comments and any others received on this matter (or on any matter for that matter :D ) will be put on to the agenda for discussion at the next meeting on 24th September, 2014.
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Bob Pacey
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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by Bob Pacey » Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:33 pm

Do not always agree with Marty but I'm with him on this one. I can see no valid reason for excluding Non ABPA Members.

The cost thing does not worry me but the requirement does.

I note that is does say a new ABPA requirement ?

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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by manfredvijars » Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:39 pm

The Committee with the Executive run the administrative affairs of the ABPA. The Executive can act if the committee is unavailable, however any actions by the executive need to be acquitted at the next Committee meeting.

Any changes to ABPA policy needs to go to the membership for discussion and ratification either via the
AGM or a ballot!

Sorry Hal, this is out of order! The ABPA committee (or executive) does NOT have the authority to make up ABPA policy on the fly without membership ratification!!

william williams

Re: Inclusive ?

Post by william williams » Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:14 pm

Just maybe Hal, Marty may have hit partially of the problem that confronts the ABPA of
Loosing people who go to the performance programs that are around Australia Both State and National competitions in QLD,NSW,VIC,WA
I know it cost money to run them insurance and running costs ETC and mostly who do you get locals or nearby people or performers and their families and some grey nomads.

Now let’s see. Who are the people who attend these performances?
Why, there is a majority of them who are senior’s or pensioners or people on a limited income
As the cost to go to them is beyond many peoples limited funds an example that I will give you is one which is local by many members standards as I live in Queanbeyan NSW

The up and coming NSW State Performance Championships

I write and I perform even though I can only read now as my short term memory is now extinct
And I would wish to go but there are direct costs involved such as competition entry cost
and insurance which I believe I would have to have. Now there are others costs such as the following.

A trip for the Friday night to compete plus entry fee for my wife, who is my carer,
Now if I wish to see my fellow competitors compete in the open class in the following two days
Again entry fees both for my wife and myself for the next two days as I am not a competitor in the open class though my wife and my self have been asked to run the produce stand for those two days in return for free.

ALL right costs distance from my door to there 130 km each way= 260 km per return trip
Per day or 260 km and two nights accommodation at the nearest town 30 k away plus120km
Or a total of 780 km for the weekend $15.00 per 100km that is $120.00 approx
plus accommodation at $120.00 per night for two nights = $240.00
TOTAL $360 for two and a half days plus lunch and dinner and drinks and that is no running costs or wear and tare or insurances

Now that could be a strong part of the reason why people are no attending

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:22 am

So how do you propose to change that Bill ?

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Neville Briggs
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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:16 am

I am a member of the ABPA, I signal that my vote will be against having at Binalong, exclusive competition for ABPA members.

p.s. money is not the issue.
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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by keats » Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:12 am

I haven't seen this stipulation. Where was this posted?


william williams

Re: Inclusive ?

Post by william williams » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:21 am

You’re right Bob, I can not change it as I am not financially endowed to do that.

Just stating? That this is one of the many problems, that senior people do encounter.

Remember, If it weren’t for the senior people of this country who read Paterson, Lawson ETC where would the ABPA be now.
Why we would most likely be modern and sprouting Hip Hop and not remembering our past.

There are many problems that ABPA has to face and this is just one of them.

And I must complement you on the job that you are doing and if it weren’t for the senior members of the public
where would your the park performances be now.

Ps to Robyn thank for your help but I will not be there Bill Williams

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Re: Inclusive ?

Post by Zondrae » Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:31 pm

I am away from home at the moment so I have just seen this thread.

My thoughts on the matter are: If you write and recite Australian Bush Poetry and you wish to share in the benefits of the Association (and participate in the ABPA Championships) then you should be a member. I'm know from experience that if you wish to breed pedigree animals you have to be a member of the appropriate body. If you wish to participate in athletics ditto - Try playing premiership football of any kind without being a member of a club or association!

I hope I have made my point.
If you don't think enough of our group to join, why would you wish to try to win our Championship?
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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