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emphasis on correct syllables ???

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:45 pm
by tom mcilveen
is there a technical formula for determining which syllable is the correct one to emphasise ?? is it similar to music where you have to maintain.x.... beats per maintain rythym and emphasise words on a chord change ????or is their a specific rule of thumb in poetry ??
Thankyou all who responded to other post queries , you were very helpful.

tom mcilveen

Re: emphasis on correct syllables ???

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:44 pm
by Neville Briggs
G'day Tom, make a quick trip down to the local library and see if they have or can get for you either of these books.

The Ode less Travelled by Stephen Fry
Writing Poetry by John Whitworth.

they are both easy to read and will answer your questions much better than a discussion in the limitations of this medium.

Hope this doesn't sound like the ole brush off, there are plenty of people on this site who are willing and able to give helpful advice, it's just that the media of web sites IMO do not lend themselves very well to in-depth instruction.
Your question is a fairly big one I think and needs a fair bit of research, and I think those books will do it for you.