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Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:12 am
by Stephen Whiteside
I am starting to prepare a marketing plan for my new book - a collection of rhyming poetry for children.

I know my publisher will be working on this, too, but I am keen to augment their efforts, rather than simply leave it up to them.

I will be trying to sell the idea that it is also a book for grandparents - indeed, any adult who wishes to introduce children to the wonderful world of rhyme and metre, and the notion of reading poetry aloud 'around the campfire'.

If any of you know of any journalists/interviewers - TV, radio, print, online, etc. - who you think might be particularly interested in giving the book some publicity, I would be only too happy to hear from you. I am quite happy to send a free copy to a journalist in a small town if I feel there is a reasonable chance they will be genuinely interested in the book. I have great faith in the book itself - not just the poems, but also the illustrations, design, and the general way it has been put together. I think the publishers - Walker Books Australia - have done a fabulous job.

Re: Marketing...

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:44 pm
by r.magnay
Good luck Stephen. I found it extremely hard to get anyone to review or promote my book. I attempted to get it exposed on several places but it seems that they are not interested unless you are already famous. If you were a politician, a criminal, (which of course is similar), a musician or some sort of TV personality you would have no trouble getting people to help you promote it. A lowly old GP who writes poetry probably won't rate that highly.
Having said all that, why not give one of, or all of the sensationalist human interest shows a call, you know, shows like Sunday Night and that sort of thing. I am sure you could present a case for some exposure as the 'children's poetry writing Doctor'...who knows, you might end up with your own TV show... "Dr Stephen!"
No doubt you will have a few copies strategically placed in your surgery, you may even be able to prescribe them as a therapy for some of your customers!.... 8-)

Re: Marketing...

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:44 pm
by warooa
Ross is right, Stephen . . . go for that slant - the Doctor who has written a book of poems about all the whacky things you've written about - they'd love that angle (the 30 second sound bite news cycle obsessed media), you know the very serious General Practitioner who writes poems and is really as loopy as an old fashioned telephone cord. I can just envisage the promo.

Milk it for what it's worth.


Re: Marketing...

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:58 pm
by Bob Pacey
It might be a bit harder in the city Stephen but I send on average one poem per fortnight to the local paper and most times they will publish them particularly if they are topical or human interest out of that I get quite a few enquiries re sales and performances. Most of the local ABC stations will jump at the chance to do a story on local poets. Got one in this week about the effects of drinking as that was in the news a lot.

Your childrens poem might be a bit harder to get out there but I think if you self promote that is send in a News Flash
" Local Doctor releases Book of childrens poems "with an attached story and picture to some of the smaller local papers they will pick them up quickly.

I have one local newsagent who takes six books at a time on a commission basis as well.

Go for it and good luck.


Re: Marketing...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:38 am
by keats
Stephen, I will notify the TV Current Affairs program's that you have released a book that I find highly offensive and discriminatory towards indigenous Billy Goats and seems to have demonic undertones that has caused many people to invade neighbouring countries, steal airplanes, vandalise our sensitive environmental areas and make fun of gay people. I feel then your book will be viewed favourably in prime time TV. Unfortunately advice from famous authors such as Chopper Reid is not forthcoming.



Re: Marketing...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:01 am
by Heather
Have the book tested for germs and unscrupulous tradesmen and A Current Affair will give it top billing..... at least twice every year. :)

Re: Marketing...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:39 am
by Glenny Palmer
Dr Seuss did it....why not Dr Stephen? Perhaps for Australia, it should be 'Stevo The Wacky Quak.' :D

Good luck with it Stephen...seriously.

Re: Marketing...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:57 am
by Robyn
Good luck Stephen, and I agree with Bob, the easiest way may be local. Does your local paper giveaways? Many will publish a short piece (maybe your blurb) and a pic in return for a free copy (realistically with a prize of $25 you won't get a lot of space, but if you get the right editor you never know.) As an editor of a small paper I would get lots of emails offering a book in return for a bit of space, and I would take up the offer from those that sounded interesting. If you send out bulk emails you never know - you may find a few sympathetic editors.

Re: Marketing...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:00 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Happy to give it a run in TAT Poetry and probably TAT Fiction will do so also Stephen. Just share across what you would like used.

Is it worthwhile notifying local council libraries and maybe having a few book signing days if allowable. Perhaps local bookstores would also allow that. Do your local shopping centres ever have days where they run promotions - they could also be interested. Hand made/home grown expos are often great places to promote and well attended.

I like Neils idea - perhaps if word leaked out that the book had hidden al qaeda messages, the paranoia of the Australian public would swing into gear and everyone would want to buy a copy :lol:

Re: Marketing...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:30 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Stephen,

We are fortunate in Wollongong to have a great bloke on air (ABC Radio) 8.30 to 11 am Monday to Friday who is not only willing, but enthusiastic to promote Poetry. Nick Rheinberger has even been known (at my invitation) to come along to the poets breakfast and do a poem of his. Great bloke and i'm sure he would give you some air time. He has young children too and talks about reading to them. He is probably going to be at the National Folk Festival.
I have a good working relationship with him and he has emailed me and asked me to write something for an up coming event. He even refers to me on air as being a kind of resident poet. He often lets my read something on air if it relates to his talk back of that morning. (he trusts me not to over do or shock) At Illawarra FF this January he did a broadcast from the festival that included a poetry competition. He gave us the topic the night before and we went live to air. (I didm't win.) Look him up on the web. ABC Illawarra.