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Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:15 am
by Irene
Does anyone know if any poets are going into schools, and encouraging students to write poetry that they can then put to put into Rap?
The art group in Jurien wanted to run a poetry competition for the Easter festival, and a couple of them would like to see something for the youth - they feel that looking at rap poetry would be a better way to get kids to relate to writing with some rhyme and rhythm.

I don't know much about rap- they tell me it's underlying principle is rhythm and rhyme, but have just googled some info, and it doesn't appear to treat rhythm and rhyme like I understand it.

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:46 am
by Zondrae
G'day Irene,

We have, in NSW, (it may be National, I'm not sure) a thing called 'The Slam'. Probably Greg North would be the best one to speak to about this. He has won his local heat and competed in the finals, twice, I believe. It is based on a two minute poem, and while not exclusively a 'Rap' competition, it has been won, more than once, by an absolutely fantastic Rapper. In my ignorance I have not noted his name. He is a truly gifted writer and performer. However about three years back, a member of my writing group won the local heat with a rhyme and metre poem, recited in usual fashion. Most of the contestants perform in the rhythmc rap style and their poems are urban based. What I would discribe as a rant against authority, or for some cause. It is popular with 15 to 25 year olds but not exclusively.

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:36 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day Irene...
I would agree with Zondrae when she says "I would discribe it as a rant against authority, or for some cause. It is popular with 15 to 25 year olds but not exclusively". (Especially the "not exclusively" bit.) I'm nearer 65 than 25 and I see no reason that rhythm and rhyme as we "bush poets" understand it would not suit the "Rap" style. I wrote this a while back. It could be read as a simple rhyming verse, but if you can imagine it delivered with the angst of youth, complete with all the gestures and posturing of a "Rad" performance, it becomes...

Rainbow’s End Rap © Will Moody 2010

This one, he’s a Black Fella,
That one, he’s a White.
Another one, got yellow skin.
Lots'a diff’rent skins alright.

That one, lives in cities,
This one, lives in camps.
That one, got the power,
This one, kero lamps.

And as for education,
that one, got it good.
This one, he got trouble
to make 'im understood.

That one, got the coastline,
This one, desert sand.
This one, got his Dreamtime,
that one, got his land.

This one, live to fifty.
That one, gets much more.
One day we close up the gap ,
that’s what we’re hopin' for.

Your skin, it doesn’t matter
what colour shows outside.
Black or white or yellow,
what matters what's inside,
and you can turn the tide;
it's up to you, decide.

Cheers, Will.

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:47 pm
by Neville Briggs
Very good Will. I can just see you cruising down the street in Bellingen with the car speakers going ...doof doof doof... ;)

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:30 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Marty!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: I suspect that is rude - where's Heather.

Oh Will now I am shocked :o - you nearly 65???? and here I was thinking you a mere slip of a lad :lol: :lol: Explains why though in your photo you look somewhat stuffed. Who ever would have thought. :roll: that is really very good, reckon Bellingen would be proud to have that playing to doof doof. Hope you don't drive one of those skanky 4wd type vehicles previously mentioned. Mannie wouldn't be impressed.

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:52 pm
by Heather
Maureen I don't get rap but my 15 year old daughter Laura thought Marty's quote was funny because she says no rapper would say such a thing and it sounds stupid! Laura quoted a few lines from a rap song to me and it did have good rhyme.

I asked Laura if she is interested in poetry and how to get kids her age interested and she thinks that it would only be of interest to those that are already interested in words and good at English. I think in another forum topic Bob may have said exactly that. Laura likes to write a bit of free verse at the moment and is well ahead of her year level in English.

Heather :)

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:41 am
by Maureen K Clifford
This is a young lass Kylie Sambo from Tennant Creek who was one of the Heywire Multi media winners.

Rap music, lyrics with rhythm and rhyme, a strong message - all good. ... bok#sambok

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:32 am
by David J Delaney
I have read a number of 'rap' songs, you could probably find some here.....

quite a number I did read were very good with their rhyme & rhythm, others meant absolutely nothing to me, just like a bunch of jumbled words, it's the so called 'music' the continuous 'doof, doof, doof' & the 'thug' type status that goes with rap, completely turns me off.

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:58 pm
by Bob Pacey
Wow a man goes to work and nothing new on site ? Get home crack a rum and takes half an hour to catch up.
I sent this to Irene so will post it. Got through to the state finals of the Two Minute Poetry Slam but the Judges are selected from the crowd and in Brisbane that means all their mates. I will say a 12 year old bush poet from Barcaldine made the finals in Sydney.

Slamin Slamin Slamin
Hey what's the use of bloody gammin
Mate I ain't no good at Slamin
But I'm gonna have a go.

So here I'm Yellin Yellin Yellin
Screamin out the words I'm tellin
Getting louder by the second
Feels like me brain is gonna blow.

And it's Spinnin Spinnin Spinnin
Cause the whole damm crowd is grinnin
But there just ain't no meaning to it
It makes no sense you gotta know.

Cause its Buildin Buildin Buildin
To a fever pitch its buildin
Disjointed words revolving
like some broken clockwork doll.

And I'm Reachin Reachin Reachin
like a minister who's preachin
Trying to find that perfect moment
When time and rhyme stands still.

But it keeps Shiftin Shiftin Shiftin
Just out of my reach its liftin
And I can stretch and almost touch it
Make it mine and hold it so.

And you too can Makeit Makeit Makeit
look deep inside if you can take it
it will try to leave you speechless
Try to make you let it go.

So just grabbit grabbit grabbit
Make it yours just like a habit
And you'll get addicted to it
As the words spin high and low.

Yeah they fly higher higher higher
Fill your world with hearts desire
A release of all your tensions
Feel the peaceful rhythms flow.

Now it's slowin slowin slowin
The stories spent and now its going
There is nothing left inside you
Then it disappears in space and time.

Oh so Sadly Sadly Sadly
Man you wanted it so badly
Why did it have to leave you
Why does it have to go.

But its still there just Waitin Waitin Waitin
For your mind to start creatin
For it lives there deep inside you
in your heart forever more.

So now Quietly Quietly Quietly
Close your eye's it will burn brightly
For the spoken word is magic
And only you can make it grow.

Bob Pacey Super Slammner 2009 ( C )

Re: Poetry put to Rap

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:22 pm
by Zondrae
When I heard there was to be a 'slam' at the Snowy Mountains of Music Festival last year, I wrote this piece.
Look at it closely and tell me what you see.

Slam, Bam, Thank You Ma’m.
©Zondrae King (Corrimal) 05/10

That poetry’s a sham.
‘Cause they say they give a damn
about the form of the spoken word.

As if you haven’t heard.
When they just hip hop a word
they say their poetry is making sense.

It’s in the present tense.
They say we sit on the fence
when we cling to Rhyme and metre verse

It can’t get any worse.
ordering this poets hearse.
they think my style is old and dead.

They’re messing with my head.
I’m independent; Can’t be lead.
I will play the part and be the ham.

It’s poetry and jam.
Their mem’ry’s all filled up with spam
So Slam, Bam, Thank You, Ma’m and Amen.