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Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:37 am
by Heather
After discussion in the "Users' poetry" section i've started this thread for discussion and feedback. Manfred has said he will have time in late June to work on the web site.

Vic, and then several other ABPA members, have stated that they post in the "users" section, rather than "members" because they want members and non members alike to be able to comment on their poetry. I think that is fair enough. The caption presently says that non members cannot make comments. This is not true - the wording is from the old site (where this was the case) and needs to be changed if we want everyone to be able to comment.

Vic has asked if there is a point in having a "members" section for poetry.

So, do we need a "users" and "members" section, especially if anyone can comment on our poetry?

I'd like to make one point in favour of having both. I'm proud to be a member of the ABPA and don't mind saying that I am one. I post there for that reason. The more members post there, the better impression non members and visitors to the site could get. This could encourage others to join.

What do you think?

Heather :)

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:20 pm
by manfredvijars
This is GREAT Heather ... I welcome the discussion/debate ...
Should we then, therefore have different section in poetry, Serious, Humorous - or by topic grouping Like 'Bush', 'City' (we already have an ANZAC section "We Will Remember Them") ?


Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:34 pm
by Zondrae
G'da all,

I thought the Members section was, as suggested, for members. The users was, perhaps, for those who wish to test the water before becoming members of the ABPA.

I may be a little presumptuous but, If I went to a site like ours, I would expect the members to show work that was of slightly better quality (in technique) than 'visitors' or 'users'.

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:53 pm
by keats
I find thAt a section like the We Will Remember Them se film is t really necessary and if anything, takes away the impact. All the poems on the one topic, I would prefer to see them pop up in the users section to add variety there. Just my opinion, but too many sub sections breeds an apathy towards viewing certain styles. Add a horse only section and I will rarely visit. Add a humorous modern and others will rarely visit. I like the mixture of finding the different styles in a single section. A poetry lucky dip which makes me read poems on subjects I otherwise might not bother in another, labeled, section.
Just my thoughts.


Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:13 pm
by Terry
I agree partly with what Keats says,too many sections are more likely to distract.
I think it's about right now but it wouldn't worry me if the war poems were intermingled in either the Members (if written by members) or the Users if written by non members. Mind you as a member I still post the odd poem in the users section for a bit of variety, I hadn't thought about it much to be honest. And talking of quality, some of the best have been posted in the users section I reckon.
Good subject.

Cheers Terry

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:23 pm
by Heather
Zondrae I would never say that all members write better than some who use the users' section. There are novice poets just learning and experienced poets - some a members and some are not. Some of those posting in the users' section are some of what I consider brilliant poets - Matt and Hully for example. (I have no idea if they are members or not).

It wouldn't bother me if the war poems were intermingled with all the others. As Keats says, (some check my temperature, I'm agreeing with Keats!) you get a lucky dip and variety plus there may be a tendency not to go to certain sections.

The reason I would prefer to keep a members' section is to show anyone using the site that we are members of the ABPA. I don't see why anyone can't comment though. Has it ever caused a problem before?

Heather :)

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:28 pm
by Heather
And the purple ones Marty. Don't forget the purple ones! ;)

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:59 pm
by Heather
Marty haven't you learnt yet not to argue with a woman? :P If she says it's purple, then it is purple dear!

Put your rose coloured glasses on - that always helps.

Now, where were we? User versus members .... ;)

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:03 pm
by Terry
As I said Heather I think we have it about right now, but I agree anyone should be able to comment and of course there should be a members section, I just don't think we need a lot more sections for different types of poetry.


Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:13 pm
by Bob Pacey
I think the question we should ask is. Will allowing everyone to comment encourage more people to do so ? Will it also encourage more people to become members ? I do not think so on both counts. I have not checked but do those members poems in the User's section attract non members to comment ?

I'm with Keats on the other subject as I have read poems that I would not have considered even looking at if they were under a specific section.

I think the tried and true saying "Keep It Simple Stupid " Fits.

Got to go back to work will catch up tonight.
