2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

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David Campbell
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by David Campbell » Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:40 am

A vitriolic tirade about being "RAYSHIST". A vitriolic tirade about Catherine. And now a vitriolic tirade about Melinda Smith. All of it done with minimal evidence, but, of course, in the spirit of "robust discussion with no rancour". Anybody notice a pattern here? Who or what will be next, I wonder?


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Gary Harding
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:26 pm

Yes, you have got it in one David. Well done! I see signs that you are learning and improving!

Go to the top of the ABPA class. :)

You have obviously taken my rigorous approach to Bush Poetry to heart as it has stuck with you apparently.

When it comes to Bush Poetry I am totally uncompromising. No secret there.

I have my own standards and approach, just as other people have theirs too I expect. We are all entitled to that ... and if it does not match your own.. well ... there ya go.

I said that from day one... where I also said I had a problem with bad language in poetry... which is one lesson you forgot about David, so go and sit in the corner for forgetting.

Melinda Smith can write whatever she wants. We all can. Nice try attempting to present it as Gary Harding versus Melinda Smith. It won't work. My problem is the Principle that MY money, taxpayer money is rewarding "disgusting lines", whoever wrote them is incidental. My issue is solely with those who handed over the $80k of my money, not posters on this forum, or particular people. Let us be very, very clear on that.

Let me quote from an email (one of many btw).. that I have received this morning from a wonderful lady friend. She refers to her 80yo Mother.... from a cane farm most of her life.... a delightful and sharp lady.

"She phoned me this evening with her comments about “that” poem in particular (the gestation one I’m referring to). She could not contain her disgust about it – the very worst, most distasteful thing she has ever seen written in a “poem”, much less to think it was part of a group of works that has won such an award. She was completely taken back by it all, as I was, for it was in the worst possible taste in her opinion. She is, of course, simply an “average” type of person and not someone who is trying to be trendy or leans towards something considered “cool”. She likes the traditional works because they are works of quality, and one never gets tired of reading quality writing; neither does it ever go completely out of fashion."

I have other emails.. one refers to lowering morality, but I tend to think it is standards more than morality at issue.

And don't you dare lay into that 80yo lady now David, or you will be expelled.

So I am quite relaxed about it all. The ABPA initial comments had me floored at the start.. Was I swimming upstream? Definitely not.

It is those in the ABPA that applaud and endorse disgusting material that need to go back to school, pick up a book by Henry Lawson, and get back to basics.

OK David, you can come out of the corner now.... but lets see you sharpen up a bit in future!


Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by warooa » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:30 pm

Gary Harding wrote:Well I think I have said sufficient to make my personal stance on crudity and shock effect in poetry completely beyond doubt
You may have done that, Gary. From what I can gather you've been offended by something and let us all know. We've said "so what!" You've gone back and repeated what upset you to some "ladies" :lol: (I doubt you're a fan of Little Britain to understand my laughing) then reported back that they were equally aghast. I'm still saying "So what" mate.

It's a sign of the times, don't flatter yourself that Melinda wrote that to shock you and your "lady" friends. Things that were once taboo are now openly discussed and more often than not for the better, warts, wetness and all. ;)

I say open your mind, you may become enlightened instead of instinctively reacting with "we just don't talk about that, never have". Enlightened, as well as grossed out and offended and off in a tizz to find the girls to back you up. But enlightened all the same. You've instead chosen to act like a victim, feeling these words were thrown, like barbs, at you and your ilk purely to violate your moral high ground.

Hand shake over the net accepted, will have to give the group hug a miss, my jocks are a bit soggy in this heat. :)

Cheers, Marty

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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Neville Briggs » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:54 pm

Gary Harding wrote:My issue is solely with those who handed over the $80k of my money
Be careful Gary, envy is one of the seven deadly sins, worse it appears, than naughty poetry.

Anyway, I believe that it was not your $80,000 that was handed over, it was actually my $80,000 in tax. Your tax money I understand is still safely in the Treasury vault where it will contribute to the noble purpose of Joe Hockey's next budget surplus.

Further, Abbott and Hockey already know that when Melinda Smith goes to spend that money they will reap bucket loads of GST. It was a bargain for them.

You can rest easy now, about the money.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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David Campbell
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by David Campbell » Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:51 pm

Bit like a Max 'Tanglefoot' Walker delivery, eh Matt? You can see it but you don't believe it.


Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Heather » Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:57 pm

Most certainly a pattern David. :roll:

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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Terry » Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:57 pm

I tend to agree with Glenny and Bob's early comments.

Probably showing my age again, values have changed unfortunately.



Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Heather » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:19 pm

There are words I would never have used in front of my grandmother - and I certainly would not have repeated those four lines to her, or any lady of 80 - unless I wanted to shock her. But then my grandmother would shower and put on a fresh dress and put on a hat and gloves just to go to the supermarket.


Still haven't answered the questions Gary..... :)

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David Campbell
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by David Campbell » Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:19 pm

Don't think you'll get any answers, Heather. Some people get their jollies from lighting brushfires and then sitting back gleefully to watch them burn. But a fire will fizzle out pretty quickly if it's starved of oxygen.


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Bob Pacey
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:04 am

Would anyone listen anyway.

What is a "genuine" bush poet Gary. And what "volumes" did it speak to you?

What constitutes "a lot of people" and what age were these "lot of people"?

Sometimes just lighting the fire is enough.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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